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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 10, 2009 <br />Page 9 <br />Councilmember Roe addressed Pathway construction (page 29) and the need hav- <br />ing apolicy discussion as to whether to move forward before approving a CIP <br />plan that included those pathways. Councilmember Roe opined that, by calling <br />the document an investment plan indicates that the City Council had already pri- <br />oritized it, even though it may be identified as unfunded, that it still gave it status. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that he viewed the document differently, and that <br />it correlated with the Imagine Roseville 2025 vision, with pathways being a big <br />part of that. Councilmember Johnson suggested that the CIP represented the <br />overall plan or "forest" with annual budgetary processes representing the "trees," <br />for a more detailed analysis. <br />Mr. Miller advised that it was the intent of the CIP to take the goals and strategies, <br />and subsequent discussion and priorities, of the Imagine Roseville 2025 process, <br />and provided for a calculation of those goals; in addition to a simple calculation <br />for replacement of existing obligatory assets (i.e., rolling stock and equipment). <br />Mr. Miller recognized the need for large-policy discussions related to items such <br />as fire stations; and acknowledged that not all items included in the CIP had been <br />vetted by the City Council; again emphasizing that this was a planning tool, and <br />those items listed needed to be addressed one way or another. <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, Mr. Miller addressed Councilmember Pust's <br />issues related to staffing items included in the CIP; noting that those items in- <br />cluded in some department-specific areas were included as context for assets (i.e., <br />squad cars, trucks, and other rolling stocks) and based on some departments ex- <br />panding and others not having done so. <br />Mayor Klausing sought additional Councilmember comment on how to proceed <br />with further Council policy discussions (i.e., fire stations and/or pathways). <br />Councilmember Roe opined that including those items in the CIP was appropriate <br />as a way to document costs and identification by the community as a need; and <br />noted that future receipt of the more-detailed spreadsheets should provide funded <br />and unfunded areas, and reflect back to this document, based on revenue sources <br />(i.e., taxes, fees, other sources) and related gaps for that funding. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that by showing that distinction of actual projected costs, <br />available funding or lack thereof, and/or gaps in revenue sources, should serve to <br />clarify for the public those items authorized to-date by the City Council. <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that more time be taken with the document, with <br />flagging of problematic areas, particularly since the document was now available <br />to the public on-line; and that it should reflect the City Council as one voice, and <br />easy for the community to follow. Councilmember Pust asked that each depart- <br />