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Attachment A <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />F�R THE CITY OF ROSEVYY.,LE EXTENSIQIV� Q�' MIS SERVICES ANT? <br />Sl1ppORT TO CENTEIVNIAL F1RE DISTRICT <br />THIS ACREEMENT, entered into by and between the CITY O�' R�SEVILLE, a <br />i1!�innesota municipal corporation ("R.oseville"), aad CENTENNIAI. FIRE DISTRICT a <br />Minnesot� riiuni�ipal joi.nt paw�rs board ("Ceniennial Fire"), 'ts effective upon the execu#ion ot� <br />�his Agreement b� the named officers of both en.tities. <br />RECITALS <br />WH�I2EAS, Roseville has an established In£ormation T'echnology Department ar�d <br />Eechnical employees that are able ta provide the services requested by Centenniai Fire, anc�� <br />WHEREAS, Rosevi i.le has an existing Microsoft �Uindows Active Direetory network�ng <br />domain Microsoft Exchange messaging systems; <br />WHEREAS, Centennial Fire is in need of inforrnation technoiogy and n.etwork related <br />services and support, and; <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Sta�ute 471.59 authori�es political subdivisians of th.e State to <br />enter into .Toint Pawers Agreements for the joint exercise af powers ca�rrmon to each.. <br />NOW, T�I�I�EFO1tE, i# is mutua�ly stipulated and agreed to as follows: <br />1. SERVICES: <br />A_ Raseville shall provide qualified management infortnation systems employees of <br />Roseville ("Employees"} to perform comp�ter, network and related technical services required <br />tiy �entennial Fire. These ser�ices ir�clude the <br />e User access to A.ctive Directory services, including MS Exchange Messaging and <br />SharePoint Services, subject to global security policies and proced�ures. <br />s�s�s � <br />