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Attachment A <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, J'anuary �5, 2009 <br />Page 8 <br />cilmember Roe noted tl�at no fdrmal action was necessary; t�at the Rules of <br />edure wo�ld stay in effect as written until changed. <br />� b. Discuss City �ouncil Liaisons <br />City Mariager Malinen noted that this item was being brought forward for discus- <br />sron purposes with the new City Council naw in pIace. <br />Discussion inc�uded past discussions with no indication for additionai and/or <br />more formalized liaisans; lack o�' general cansensus for de5ignated liaisons far <br />advisory comrnissions to the Ci�y Cvuncil; perceptions of whether Council liai- <br />sons were voting members or t�eir influence on discuss�ans at commission leve�s; <br />and how the City Council related as a body to other gavernment groups and ag�n- <br />cies {i:�., School Board). <br />Further discussion included past history and criticisms frorn City Council liaisans <br />to the Planning Comrnission; education of the public and outside agencies of spe- <br />cific and appropriate contacts witt�in Ci�ty goverriment for their particular concerns <br />and/or questions, and whether a specific contact person was indicated. <br />1V�ayor Klausing op�ned that he preferred advisory commissions io provide hirr� <br />with their honest and independent opinions and recammendatioYS. <br />Cour�cilmember Roe opined that if the City Council is paying attention to advi- <br />sory meetings t�rough their persona� attendance at meetings ar review of those <br />�neetings via tape-delay, they were aware of their discu�sions regarding specific <br />topics. Councilmember Roe n�ted that it ma� make sense to have a designated <br />point of contact for tiiase a�visory commissions ta help facilitate comm�ication <br />between the City Council and ac�visory group; however, clarified that he was not <br />advocating for such a contact person. <br />CounciZmember Pust opined that Councilmembers should nat be on advisory <br />carnmi�5�ions; atld offered that she was wil�ing to discuss the City Council f� <br />role on tlae Housing and Redevelopment Autharity (HRA) as we�l if the City <br />Council so desired. Couneilmember Pust further opined that the City's ad�isory <br />comrnissions were doing great work; however, the City Cauncil was not always <br />aware of their discussions auts�de their annual report to tl�e City Go�nci�, and <br />questioned whether there was a roIe for a comrnunication link between the City <br />�ounciI and commiss�ons. <br />Councilmember Johrzson opined that perhaps the Chairs of each commission <br />shauId serve as liaisons to t�e City Council to rr�ake the City Councii more acces- <br />sibi� to their specif c cornmission. <br />Ivlayor Klausing expressed interest in Councilmerr�ber Johnson's concept, and <br />sought �dditional detaii and ho�v that l�iaason position wouid best function. <br />