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ReguIar City Council Meeiing <br />iVlonday, January O5, 2009 <br />Page 9 <br />Councilmember Johnson advised tYaat commissions had great access to in-house <br />assistance through staff providing good communication flow; ar�d nated that <br />cammission Chairs could serve as conduits between their respective groups and <br />the City Council, si�nilar to ambassadors. <br />Mayor Klausing reiterated hi5 preference that the liaison roles for the �ity Coun- <br />cii would be informal, allowing for continued independent advice from advisory <br />cammissions. <br />Co�ncilmeinber Roe noted the original interit in having a City Council T�ar's� to <br />the HRA was to ensure a good connectian between the two bodies. <br />CounciImembers concurred that additianal thaught needed to be gi�en; and re- <br />quested that staff provide an�pdated list of assignrnen�s and involvement in vari- <br />ous graups by current Councilmembers. IvMayor KIausing asked that inc3ividual <br />Councilmembers provide feedback to staff on their specific interests ta include <br />with the updated list �or Counci�member� to facilitate further discussian and con- <br />sideratian. <br />Counc�lmernber Johnson saught c�arification an the original point of reference for <br />1!iaison assignfnents, whether at the request of or from frustrations expressed by <br />comrnissians, or in the City Council'a eiforts to be more cornmunicative with <br />their advisory commissions. <br />Councilmember Roe advised that it was initiated from his review of other cities <br />and their interactions with their advisory comrnissions atid other govemment <br />agencies. Councilmember Roe specifica�ly �oted th�t roles of tl�e City Counci� Ii- <br />aisons in the Ramsey County I,eague of Local Governments (RCLLG} and the <br />Cable Cornmission, and potentia� need for designated alternates far those gro�ps. <br />IVfayor �.lausing noted his ongoing interest in serving as an alternate to the Cam- <br />municatian Commission.. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that part of the discussion should be vvhether Coun- <br />cilmembers wished to continue serving in tneir current 1`iaison roles, or whether <br />they were interested in exparrding or r�freshing their interests. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred, noting that there was value in contin�ity, buf �tso <br />�alue in educating Cauncilmembers in otl�er areas of interest to aid their decision- <br />making. <br />Counci�mernber Ihlan noted that a designee to the Cable Commissinn coc�ld be a <br />member of the pubiic, as weil as a Councilmember. <br />,,, , ,.; <br />:;,� , -�., ... .. : _ <br />