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Debra Bloom, P.E. <br />City of Roseville <br />i Table 1 <br />2 Existing Volume Peak Hour Capacity Analysis <br />3 Level of Service <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />lF <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />July 18,2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Level of Service <br />Intersection Weekday Saturday <br />A.M. Midday P.M. Midday <br />Alternative 1— �xisti�� Traffic Control <br />Fairview Ave/Rose Place A/B AIB A/C AIB <br />�airview AvelOakcrest Ave (West) A/B AIC AIC Al� <br />Fairview Av�lUakcrest Ave (East) AIB AIB AIC Al� <br />Alternative 2— Signal at Oakcrest - West Approach <br />Fairview Ave/Rose Place A/B AIB A/C AIB <br />Fairview Av�lOakcresi Ave (West) A A A A <br />�airview AvelOa�crest Ave (East) Al8 AIB AIB AIB <br />Alternative 3— Signals at C7akcr�st - Both Approaches <br />Fairview Ave/Rose Place A/B _'�r� A/C A/B <br />Fairview AvelOakeresi Ave (West) A A A A <br />Fairview Ave/Oakcrest Ave East A A A A <br />lndicates an mtersection with side-street stop control. Overall 1.OS is shown tollowed by the worst approach LOS. <br />In addition to level of service intersection capacity, the overall corridor operations were reviewed <br />to determine the impact Alternatives 2 and 3 will have on corridor mobility (travel time <br />comparison). For analysis purposes the Fairview Avenue corridor was modeled from County <br />Road B2 to County Road C. Data for these two intersections was available from previous studies <br />in the area (Roseville Mall Expansion and Twin Lakes AUAR Update). The corridor travel time <br />comparison takes into account the amount of time it takes to "get through" the outside <br />intersections (County Road B2 and C), as well as travel north and south along Fairvie� Avenue <br />in between. Results of the analysis shown in Table 2 indicate that Alternative 2 will increase <br />travel times along Fairvi�w Avenue an additional five seconds during the p.m. peak hour (worst <br />case peak period). Alternative 3 will increase travel times along Fairview Avenue an additional <br />20 seconds during the p.m. peak hour (worst case peak period). It should be noted that the <br />baseline travel time under Alternative 1 conditions (existing traffic control) was modeled to be <br />approximately 145 seconds during the p.m. peak hour. <br />Table 2 <br />Existing Volume Peak Hour Corridor Analysis <br />Travel Time Comparison <br />Travel Time Difference in Seconds <br />Intersection Weekday Saturday <br />A.M. Midda P.M. Midda <br />Alternative 1—Existin Traffic Control 0 0 0 0 <br />Alternative 2— Signal at Oakcrest - West Approach 1 3 5 1 <br />Alternative 3— Signals at Oa�crest - Both Approaches 10 16 20 12 <br />