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I <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />S <br />9 <br />Approvai: <br />REQUEST FUR �`�UNGI�. ACT�DI�I� <br />�a�ager Revie�ved: <br />DAT�: 9124107 <br />�TEM NO.: '�•� <br />Agenda Sect�on: <br />Consent <br />10 �te� Dascript�on: Apprav� Change Oz�ders and Ado�t a Reso�ution ia Accept t�e Work <br />l� Car�pleted, Authorize I� inal Payment of $34,427.38 and co�nrnence the One-Year Warranty <br />I2 Period an the County Road B-2 Pathway Project. <br />�3 <br />14 BackgrQUnd: On August 22, 2Q05 the City Cauncil awarded the County Raad B-2 Pathway <br />15 Improverr�en� to TA Sc�ifsky o� Nortl� St. �aul, Mi�zzesata. The woarl� for this contract was <br />16 �nished Iast yeaz� and the contraciar has �requested final payment. T�iis project is between ��e <br />17 weste�n Roseville City Limits and Lexingtor� Aven�e and consisted oi�lae canstruction of a <br />� 8 pathvvay, street lights, arad storm sevver in�provements. <br />19 <br />20 <br />zL <br />zz <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />Poliey object�ves: City poliey requires ihat the following items be comp�eted to iinalize a <br />ea�si�ru.etion con�ract: <br />' Certifieation from the City Engineer v�rifying t�iat aIl of the work has k�eer� cornplet�d 'zn <br />aceardance with plans ar�d specafications. <br />• A resolution by the City Council accepi:izag; t�e cantract and begi�.nzng the one-year warranty. <br />28 Fiaancia] ianplications: The fnal contract amo�nt, $�,189,0� 9.11 �s $� 10,306.98 �ore than the <br />29 awarded amount bf $1,Q78,712.13. This represents an increase i� t�e contract of 10.2%. The <br />30 cost increases are a result of actua� contract q�antities being greater �han esiimated and additianal <br />31 work needed to comple�e ihe project. These were docuzaaented through 8 project ehange arde�'s. <br />32 All were tihe result of chan�cs due to unanticipated canditions in the field. Decisians regardiz�g <br />33 th�s� changes needed to be macie whiie th� work was �ei�g co�pleted, not �lowz�g for the <br />3� �rocessing of a change order prior to the exect�tion of the wpr�. A s��z�mary o� tlae C�ange <br />35 Orders: <br />36 <br />Change Order # 1 AdditionaX watermain woz-k to z-elacate hydrants and $19,497.50 <br />a�$itia�al guaz-d zail. <br />Change Order #2 Storm sewer pzpe �'ea�ignn�ent ta avozd conflict with retaining $3,360.OD <br />waXX ar�d footzng. <br />Change Order #3 Relocate CB ta z�,eet £aderal clear �a�e rec��tiremenis. $2,576.00 <br />Add.ztzo�al r�ate.rznazn znaterials, change in spec�f ed. fence <br />materia� a� �'edEx. <br />