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2 <br />4 <br />S <br />6 <br />7 <br />9 <br />10 <br />Change 4rdez #4 �z�stallatian of s�reet lights on the nartla side o�Cou�ty Road $15,833.26 <br />B�2 adjacent to the gal� course. We received a nuinber oi <br />co�x�p�ai�zts �roxn property owners when we re�aved the poles <br />on ti�e so��h side. These r�ere installed Lo address these <br />concerns. <br />Chan � Order #S Npt executed due �o cast $0 <br />Change Order #6 Installat'ron of a 12" gate val�e on watennai� in arder �o $9,OS0.0� <br />isolate service at Weyerhauser, a 24/7 operation. Without this <br />valve ir�staliation, they would have had to shut down <br />roduc�ion. <br />Change Order #7 Additiona� wate�r�ain costs due tn operatianal problerns and $'�,205.00 <br />deteriarated gate valves. <br />C�ange Order #8 Add�tional cost £or re lacement fence at FedE�. $6,367.26 <br />C�ange (�rder �9 Additional costs foar Tra£fic C€�nt�al $2,740.16 <br />Total Change Orders $&6,629.1 S <br />The rem.aining increase in project cost was dt�� to some projeei quantities bei�g r�are t%an what <br />was aa�:ticipated. We installed additional retairzing wall, additional curb removal, bi�umir�ous <br />removals, and additional t�f areestablislaz��nt. Total cost� are s�ill s�bstan�ially ut�der the <br />en�ineer's estirraate presented as a part ofthe %asibility repart, $1,418,65�.00. The majority, <br />$951,2�5.29 (80%), o�'�he construction cosi for thzs prajeet was paid for �sing Federal tnoney. <br />The xemaining $237,803.82 (20%) af the construciion cost is being paid for using City <br />infrastr�ct�re coz�stz�uctioz� iunds. <br />T 1 Staff arecomane�dation: Since all necessary items have �een caznpletad in accordance with <br />�2 praject plans and s�eci�catians, staF�recaz�anaends t�Ze City Council a�prove a resolution <br />13 accepting the work coannpleted as the Co�nty Road B-2 Pathway Project and authorize irnal <br />14 payment of $34,427.38. <br />15 <br />lb <br />�7 <br />1$ <br />19 <br />2� <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />RECOMMENDED CDUNCIL ACTION: <br />Approve Change Orders for the Couzaty Road B-2 Pa�way Projec�: <br />. E <br />Approve the resolutiaza aceepti�� th� work co�npleted as Caunty Rnac� B�2 Path.way �'�aject, <br />starting the o�e-year warranty and au�horizing �nal paymen:t af $3�,427.38. <br />Preparec� by: Debra B�oa�a <br />