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•� <br />�� � ; <br />� Sepiernber 24, 2007 . , , <br />` TO THE GITY COUNCIL; C�TY 4F RO�EVILI:E, MJNNESOTA <br />RE: Co�ty Raad B-2 Paihway Praj�ci: <br />Con�aract Acce�atance and Final Paya�xae�t <br />,Dear Counci� Members: <br />I have obsexveci the work executed as a�art af t�e Couniy Road B-2 Paihway Projec�. I find thati <br />this con.trac� has be�n �'�lly completed in all respects accoxdirig to �he plans, specificatia�s, a��zd : <br />t�e coxatrac�;. i therefore recoarz��ez�d �ha� �na1 �ayirient be made from� the imprave�nent �'und to <br />the contraciors £o� the balance on i;he cont�act as follows: <br />Original Co��ract amount (based o� esti�aaated. quaniities) $1,078,712:13 <br />C�ange Orders $66,629.18 <br />, Final C�ntracti Ampu�t �1,145,341.31 - � <br />Actual aa�oun� du e(base�. o� aetual quailtities} $ l, � 89;019.11 <br />Previaus payments $1,154,59�.73 <br />Balance Due $34,427.38 <br />Tlie cnristruction costs for this projec� 1�ave iaeen func�ed as fallows: <br />Federal Funds (80%) $951,215.29 <br />Czty Infrasiructure Fuz�ds (20%) $237,803.82 <br />Final CantiractArriount $1,189,Q19.1 l <br />Please lei me knc�w if you l�ave any ques�ions or concerns and would Zike zz�ore information. <br />�---�_ <br />Ciiy Engi�aee� <br />65 i -792�7042 <br />deb.bloarn@ci.z-asevi��.us <br />266Q Civic.Genter D�ive +:� RoseviJie, Mir�nesata 551 �3 <br />651-792-ROSE +:• TUD 651-792-7399 :• wwwci.rosevil� . <br />Recycied paper - 30% pasaconsumcr content <br />