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EXTRACT 4F MINiTTES OF MEETING <br />OF CITY C4UNCIL <br />CITY OF R4SEVILL� <br />RAM�EY COUNTY,IVIINNES4'�"A <br />Pursuant to due call and �otica thereo£, a reguiar rneeting of th� Ci�y Cauz�c�10� the City of Roseville, <br />County of Ra�sey, Minnesota, was duly held in t�e Ciiy Hall at 2660 Civic Center Drive, Rasevil�e, <br />Minnesota, on Monday, the 24th day af Sepiernber, 2007, at 6:00 a'clack p.m. <br />The fo�lt�wiz�g memhers were present: a�d tkze fol��wix�g were absent: <br />Councilzxa�eamber introduced the �ollnrving resolution and z�oved its adoption: <br />RESCILUTION <br />RESOLUTION AW�T2D�NG SIDS <br />FOR 2007 STURM ��WER MUDIFICATI�NS <br />WH�REAS, pursuant to advertisemen.t f�ar bids �or the i�nprovement, accarding ta t�e �pIans and <br />specificatior�s ihereof fln file ir� ti�e a��ce af the Manager of said City, said bids were received on <br />Wednesday, Septez�z��er 19, 2007, at 9:00 a.m., opened and ia.bulated acearding to la� and �he foilowing bids <br />were received cam�lvin� with the advertisezx�ent: <br />WHEREAS, it a�pears that B�schville Canstruction. of Hanover, Minnesata, is t�te lowest responsible <br />bidder at the tab�lated pxice o� $122,272.50 an� <br />N�W, THERE�ORE, BE �T RE�OLVED by the City Council of t�e City a� Roseville, M�r�nesota: <br />2. <br />K� <br />Th� Mayoz' az�d Manager are here�y authorizecl az�d dixected ta enter into a eontract with Burschvil�e <br />Construction %r $122,272.5Q in ihe na�me of the Ci�y of Roseville for the above iznprovem�nts <br />according �o �he plans anc� speci£'ications thereof heretofore approved by the Ciiy Council and on f�le <br />in the of�ce of the City Manager. <br />Thzs approval is cflntingent on t�e approval of the contraet by the Arden �iils Cxty Council far their <br />work zncluded in �he eontract. <br />The City Mana�er is hereby authcarized and c�irected to return forthwith to all bidders the de�aasits <br />made wiih their bids e�cept the deposits af the success�ul bidder and the next lawest bidder shall be <br />retain�ed unti� co�fi�racts hav� been signed. <br />NOW, THERE�'ORE, BE IT RES4LVED �ay the Ciiy Council of the City o�Rosev�lle, Minnesota: <br />The motion for the adapiian of th� foregoing resolu�ion was duly seco�dec� by and �pon vote bei�g <br />ta�Cen therean, ihe following voted in favor and t�e �ollowing vo�ed against the sarr�e: <br />Whereupon said resalutzon was d�clared duly passed and adopted. <br />