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� <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br />) ss <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br />I, ti�e undersigned, being the duly qualifed CiCy IVlar�ager of �the CiCy of �Lo�eville, County of <br />Ramsey, State of Minr�eso�a, do hereby cer�ify iha� I have carefully com�ared th� attached and foregoing <br />extraci of minutes of a r�gular meeting o� said City Council held on the 24th day o£ September, 2007, vsrith <br />the original thereof on f le in my office. <br />'WITNESS MY HAND of�cially as suc� Manager this 24th day of September, 2007. <br />Ciiy Manager <br />