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REQI��Si �OR COUNCIL ACiIDN <br />�epartment <br />Manager <br />�ate: 09124I�7 <br />ltem Na.: 7.g <br />,Agenda Section: <br />Consent <br />�tem Descript on• � A�PROVAL F�R THE C�TY OF ROSEVl�LE POl�IC� �EPARTM�N7" T'O �NT�R <br />INTO A�AC7ICAL TEAM MUTUAL A1C] AGREEMENT W�TH TWE N�W BRIGFITON <br />[3�PAR'fMENT OF PUB�.iC SA�ETY ANQ THE C[TY OF ST. ANTHO�fY POLICE <br />Q�PAR7MENT <br />BACKGR�UND <br />The City af Roseville Po[ice �epartrnent Tactical Team was established in 1999. In 20d2, th� City of Rosevilie <br />approved a Jvint PnwerS Agreem�nt for a cornbined tactical teatrt wiiY� the City oi St. Anthany. In 2Q07, the City <br />of New Brighton's Deparirnent af Pub[ic Rrvas invited to join and accepted which vvi[I make the tearr� more �iable <br />in ihe cornrr�unity. Give� the nature of the current Agresment, �he Agreemen� i�as been re�ised and renamed a <br />Mutual Aid Agreerr�ent, and has been appraved by the cities of New Brighton and St. Anthor�y. T"he new <br />corr�bined taciica! team will be known as ihe �as� Metro SWAT Team. <br />PROPOSE� ACTION <br />To al[nw all parties (the City of Rase�ille C'olice Departrneni, the City of I��w Brighton Departrr�ent ofi Public <br />Safety and the City of St. Anthnny Police �epartment) and fE�eir respective �fficers �o extend seruicas beyond <br />their respective jurisdictions for the purpose of prc�viding assisiance and enforcing the Eaws in emergency. <br />situations. The par�ies believe the esfiablishment ofi procedures whereby pariies to this Agreement (copy <br />attached) rnay pro�ide assisiance to another party or parties--ir� th� eve€�t of an �metgency—personnef ar <br />equipment, would be of great benefit to pubiic hea�tt�, sa�e�y and welfar�. <br />FIEVANCIAL IMFLICATIONS <br />Non�. <br />STAFF R�COMM�iVDAT[ON <br />Auihorize the City of Roseville f'olice []epartrr��nt tn enter into a�'actical Team Mutual Aid Agreet�nent with the <br />oities of �iew Brightan and 5�. Ant�ony. <br />CC}UNC1L ACTION REQilESTEb <br />Motion to a�tt�arize the City of Roseville Police �eparfrnent �o enter into a Tactical �'earr� Mutual Aid Agreement <br />vdith tl�e cities of �Vew Brigf�tan and St. Anthany. <br />