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C�ty o�' R4sevi��e <br />RESOiuT�aN <br />A resolution appro�ing a mutuai aid agreement relati�c� ta a com�ined �actical team wifih fih� City <br />of New �righto� and St. Anthony which wil[ �e kr�own as tf�e Easf NEe�ro Swaf �eam and <br />authorizin� �he Mayor to execufie the Agr�ement on behalf of the Ciiy of Rose�ille. <br />WHER�AS, <br />WHEREAS, <br />WHER�AS, <br />WHEREAS, <br />t�e City of Raseville appro�ed a Joint Powers Agreeme�t for a <br />cnm�iFned tactical te�►n wiih t1�e City of St. Anthany in 2p02; <br />and <br />th� City of New Brighton's Department of Pub6ic Safety has <br />accepted an invi#ation �o join, making the team more �iabl� in <br />the comm�nity; and <br />gi��n th� nafure of tt�e current agreernent, we are ranarr�ir�g <br />the agreer-n��� a Muxual Aid Agreement; and <br />�he new cambined tacfical team will be kr�awn as the East <br />Metro SWAT Team. <br />NOW, TNEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVE�, that t�e City Cauncil af t1�e City af <br />Rose�ille appro�es a.Mufival Aid Agreement relating ta a cambineci tactical #eam <br />with ihe Cities ofi St. Ani�nny anci New Brighfon which wiil iae fcnawn as the East <br />Metro SWAT T�arn and authorizes the Mayor to �xecuie the Agreement on b�haif <br />of the Cify of Rnse�iiie. <br />Ac�opied ihis day of , 2q07. <br />Cra�g Klausing, Mayc�r <br />City ofi Rose�iile <br />William J. Malinen, Manager <br />Cify ofi Roseville <br />