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2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />REQUEST FOR C4IJ�CIL ACT�ON <br />App � al: <br />Date: 09/24/2007 <br />Item l�To: 7.h <br />Agenda �on: <br />Co�se�t <br />�tem D�`scri�tion: Ac�c�pt a Resnluti�n f�Metropo�itan Council Tax Base Revitaliaatio� <br />Acca�ut Fut�ding — Cenirai Cammunity ��ausiz�g Trust — Har Mar <br />A artments PRO,I�-Q0�6 <br />� .0 Requested Cauncii Actioz� <br />1.1 Apprave a resolution authorizing an application to t�e N�e�'apolitan Cauncil's Tax Base <br />Revitalization Accaunt £ax evaluation and abaternent of lead and asbestos vcrithin the <br />bu.ildir�gs of the I-�ar Mar Apartment Compl�x. <br />2.0 B�ckground <br />2.1 In May 200G, CCHT purchased the 125-unit Har Mar Apart�nent Complex. CC�IT is <br />developing plans to renovate the axisting stzuctures and construct a new building wzt� <br />additional units ta create a to�al 153 mixed-ixaco�e �a��sing units on this site. (See <br />�-1�tacnzne�ii A-i'roject Update �or additional information.) <br />2.2 The 40-yeaar old corriplex is in need of signi#ican� renovatinns and arepairs and CCHT has <br />begun �Zeeded interiar renova��ans to rrlany of the apartrnents within the complex. <br />2.3 CCHT is strivi��g �o keep the unats a��'ardable. To achieve ihis, public assistance will be <br />��eecied a�id furlds from MHFA, Metropolita� Council, and atl�er public agencies are <br />critical. <br />2.4 <br />CCTIT has part��ezed with �he City to apply for Livable Comar�unities llernans�ration <br />Acco�znt f�nding for onsi�e stor�twatez' n�anagement improvernents and has alsa app�ied <br />fox funding tl�rough the MHFA to assist with the general rehabilitation of the cornplex. <br />25 2.5 CCHT l�as asked ihe City to consider applying fior a grant from the Metrapaliian <br />26 Council's TBRA to assist with the evaluation af laad and asbestos within the buildings oi' <br />27 t�e T-�ar Mar Apartrneni: Complex. The grant would request appro�irrzately $175,000 in <br />28 fu�idin�. CCHT l�as a�fered to prepare ihe grant applrcation. <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />3� <br />� <br />2.7 <br />At its Septer�a�aer 1$, 2007 meeiing, t�e HRA passed a rr�o�ion supporting t�is project and <br />an applicatic�n to the TBRA. <br />As part a� t]ae �rant ap�lieation proeess, the Ci�y Ca�nezl �ust pass a resolution <br />authorizing a grant to be sul�y�it��d to th.e funding prograin. (See A�taeh�ez�t B-Draft <br />CCHT/[-Iar Mar Apartmei}t'�'BRA S�sppat�t- Page 1 of 2 <br />