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L. Seve�abi�i�y <br />The �rovis�ons of this Agre�m�nt shall l�e severable, and if any provision, or any poa�zfln <br />th�r�of, cQntained in this Agreement �s held unconsl:itutional, invalici, or une�fa�ceable, <br />the remair►der of this Agreemez�t or partian ther�of shall remain in �'u�l foxce and effect. <br />M. Entire Agreement <br />Thi,s Agareement eoniains the entire agreement o�thc parties hereto. Except as stated i� <br />�his Agreement, no party rel�ed on any statemen�, promise, inducement, or <br />representation of the other. This Agree�nent supersedes any and all prioar statemenis and <br />ag�ee�ents bel�ween the parties r�Iating to the subject mattex cantained �erein. <br />N, Executivn <br />Each pa�ty he�eto has read, agreed to and executed this N�utual Aid Agareemer�t on the <br />date indzeated. <br />Date <br />New Brighto�z Department of Public Safety <br />By <br />Title <br />Da�e �1- �� r�� Roseville Police De�art�nent <br />By ��..s�.— <br />Title � �` cs� ta1�.� <br />Date St. Anthany Po�zce Department <br />: <br />Title <br />