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developers regard'u1g bes� practiees in sustaivabie I�uildi�Y�;, and wit� atso �e a moctet for CC�--��"s <br />rel�al�ilieation oE its existiz�g portfolio as well as future rel�aiailitatiat� �roject. <br />-�'ui�di��g ii� tk�e anloun� of $ f O,Q00 awarded by tl�e Anc�erse�i Foundatioa� <br />-I'u��ciing in the amount oE $ I0,400 awazdec� by the Andezson Corpnta�� Faundatian <br />-E��ergy Model'z��g A�Zalysis of t�l�e lauildic�g con�pleted in June Z007 <br />-iZelqc�itio�l PLai� anc� b�id�et for the buildi��gs pre�areci in June 2007 <br />-Ma�d, Lead ai�d As�sestas Surveys of t��e prpperry completed ii� May 2�07 <br />• Applicatio�� for Housiz�g "�'ax Credits, other su�glemental funding to MHFA oi� Jui�e 19`�', 2�07 <br />�A��Iicatio�l to Met CounciI for T..CDA fu��ds s�i�n�itteci �y Ciry of Koseville on i�elaalf of CCHT Ju1q 12`�', <br />2007 <br />-Co�ice�zt �lacis of rel�a�ilitatioi� con�plet� (accessibiiiry isstzes, az�c� n�ajar �uildii�g systenns determined) <br />Upcom:iz�g Activieies: <br />�Re-ptatting of prc��eFty (�'ec�uirec� for tax creclits) will ��gin it1 �'att of 2007 <br />•TIF application (to bc used iz1 �'hase II, new cac�struetion) to be sui�znietec� iti ear[y I�al� 2007 <br />-Funding ap�licatic�n to Ran�sey Cauzlty far CDBG fu�tcls iz� the ainotrnt nf $IOb,d00 to l�� subcnitred i�i <br />early �atl 2007 <br />-k�uiidi€3g application tq Met Couz�cil TBRA for lead at�d asEaestas testi�lg and manztoxi��g pf a�aternent co <br />be sul�mitted in Fall 2007 (tliis requires City oE Roseville to a��licatia� a1� �ehalf of t�.e devetoprrient <br />a��ci sig�l a resoltztio�� of su�port) <br />-No�ificatio�� caf t� credit a�id othex state fue�ding awards at the enci o� C?cCober ZO(}7 <br />�Caz�cept l'lai� to #�e sulan�ztted to City of Roseville fot start of PUD process zz1 December 2007. <br />Ge�eral Proiect Iz��o�rz�atiio� <br />Hai Mar A�artmenr.s will be rehal�ilitatecl fron7 tlze currei�t I20 ui�it, 1 l�ed�oo�n apartnlent structure to <br />103 uilirs �nri�li 73 oE�e bedrooin apartme�zts a�tcl 30 two bedroani apartmea�ts. A.s part of CCHT's <br />sustainat�iliry i��iriative aticl �arCelersliip witl� the Gree�1 Institute atici Ce��ter for Sustaina�le Building <br />Researcl� at tl�e Uz�iversity af Mi��z�espta tlze l�uildi��g wiE1 ua�dez�go energy modcli�ag a��c� analysis, upgrades <br />to higl� efficiez�ey n�echaclical systems, inzpravements tp stozm water rete��€ipi� a�1d mitzgatia�z, as well as <br />�ost-coz�structia�l perForn�ance testirt�g arld a�ialysis. Cosmetic updares including new #loo�i��g, cabiaietry, <br />a�d applia�ices wi�� l�e made to the i�lterioxs, a�aci la�idseapi��g and �axking imipravements will be znade cp <br />the exteriors af the Fauilc�ii�gs. The coznpletec� ui�its will serve lower wage, sezvic� sector wor�ezs a��d wiil <br />ra��g� ii� �rice froxi� appraximatety $4C1Q.$650 a n�a��tt� Eor one ��ciroom apart�ents and ap�roxzmate�y <br />$$2S�$$45 for two I�edroom apartc���nts. The estimated cost for tl�e rehalailitatipn is $15,190,0�0, ftincled <br />pr�c�ozl�i�lare�y !�y �rivate eqtziry i�� tE1e Fnrm of rax credits ax7c� a�irst n�ortgage. The xe�nai��ing �ii�ai�cing <br />wil� be sotaglu frorn state a��c� tocal public fux�diz�g sources, as well as foux�datioz�s aFid cor�oratioz�s. <br />�.Jpaa1 corn�aletion of the rehauilitation of Har Mar A�ar�ments a second pl�ase of clevelopnierat is <br />contetnplaeed ta add ai� additioi�al 50 units to tl�e nortl� west cor�ler of the site. Tl�e �sew �uildiug would <br />i€iclude unclergroui�d parking ac�d coi�tiain two and rl�ree bedraotn u��ies. This �uildii�� would serve <br />�urorlcing fan�ilies ai�c� units would i�e priced at approxima��lq $950 for two bec�room a�aartmen�s and <br />ap�roximatcly $95Q-$11�0 for tl�ree �edraozn units. The cost of tl�is pl�ase is esrimated ae $I0,480,00 a��d <br />wo�cic� lie func�ed by similar sources as Phase I, with the �rojec� also seekii�g TIF fi�ia�lci��g from tl�e city. <br />T'l�ase Ii would ac�c� u€lit c�ivezsity to the pro�erry a��d ex�ai�c� housing o�tions £or workers at nearby retail <br />and other businesses. <br />