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Aftachmer�t B: �raft Resalution <br />EXTRACT OF M�NIiTES O�' A MEETING �F THE <br />CITY OF ROS�V�LL� <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of tkze City af Rpseville, Co�i�ty of Ramsey, <br />Miz�nesota, was duIy called and held at tk�e City Hall on Monday, the 24t�t day of September 2�07, at G:00 <br /> <br />"I'he faIlowing nzembers were presen.t: ; <br />and the fniln�wing wez•e absent: <br />Councilmen�ber introdttced the fotlawing resotutian and moved its adoptian: <br />RESOLUTTON NO. XXXXX <br />RESOLUTT4N AUTHO�tIZING A�'PL�CATkON F�R <br />TH� TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT <br />WHEREAS the City of Rnseville is a partiei�ant in the Livable Cor�munities Ac�'s Hpusi��g Incentir�es <br />Program fo�� 2007 as fleter�nined by the Metrapolitan Cauneil, and is therefore eligibte �o make <br />application fnr funds t�nder the `l'ax Base Revitaliza�ion Accaunt; and <br />WH�R�AS the Czty i�as identified a clean-up project within t�e City that meets the Tax Base <br />Revitalization aecount's p�zrpose/s and criteria; and <br />WH�R�AS the City has the i�istitutinnai, n�anagerial, and fina��cial capability to ensure adequate project <br />ad�ninistraiian; aild <br />�H�REAS tl�e City certifies that it will cazrzply witJ� all applicable laws and regt�lations as stated in the <br />cantraet agreements. <br />BE TT FURTHER R�SOI.,VED the City Cau�acil af Rosevilie, Minnesota agrees to act as legai sponsnr <br />for tl�e praject caz�tained in the Tax Base Revitaiizatio�i grant application subrnitted on Novezzzbez l, <br />2007, �ar �he Hax Mar Apai�ment Project. <br />The r€�otion for the ado�tion oi the foregoing resolution was d�ly seconded by Cauncilrnember <br />, and upon vote being taken thereon, tkze fallowing voted in favor: <br />an.d vated against: <br />WH�REUPON said resolution was deciared duly passeti and adopted. <br />