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reprt�senting the City, as well as prnpe�y owners ar developers on the same project. <br />Conflicts o�' ir�terest lnay be groun c�s for terminatia� of this Agr�emenf. <br />VII. Ownership of Wnrk. Should the City elect ta termina�e �his Agreexn.e�t <br />under S�ction rII �erer�f, Consultant shall prampt�y provide all work-produc� to the City <br />for which pa�me��t has been rnade and the City shall be entitled to utilize the work in any <br />manner detez'mined by �lhe City to be in its best inte�rests. <br />V�II. Notices. All �otices to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be <br />deerned given on the eazlier of rec�ipt or three (3) business days af�er deposit in the <br />Unitcd Siates mai1, postage prepaid, addressed to: <br />A. City of Rasevi�le <br />Att�: Ci�y Manager <br />2�G0 Civrc Cen��r Drive <br />RosevilIe, MN 551 �3 <br />B. Hoiszngto� Koegler Group �nc. <br />123 Narth Third Street, Suite I00 <br />Minneapolis, MN 5540I <br />�X. A�taclaments. AlI attach�nents referenced in ih� Agreernent are attached io <br />and inco�aorated into t�is A�reement, and are part hereof as though they were fi.rlly set <br />�prth in the body of this A�reemeni. <br />(signatu�e page follows) <br />� <br />