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CTTX OF ROSEVYLLE <br />CON�SULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />TH�S IS AN AGREEIVIENT entered inta the clay of , 2007, <br />by and bciween �he City of Ro�eville, Minnesata, hereinafter referred to as the Cifiy, ani� <br />Hozsi�agton Koegl�r Graup Tnc., hereinaf�er r�f�rred to as the Consultant. <br />WTTNESSE'�H: <br />WHEREAS, the City desires to hir� the Consultant to complete Phase 2 of the <br />u�date to ifs Coxnprehensive Pian, and �he Consultant deszxes ta per%rm thase se�-vic�s <br />�or tl�e cazz�pensation and on tk�e terrr�s descrzbed herein. <br />N4W, TH�REFORE, the pazties hereto �o muivaliy agree as �oXlor7vs: <br />I. Sco�e of Sez-vxces. Th.e Consul�ant sha�l perforrr� thase S�reices as are <br />c�escz•ibed zn the aitac�aed Exhibit A. <br />I�. Tenn. This Agreement shall be e��ective upan the appxoval of th� City <br />Caui�cil and execution by thc Mayar and City Manager and shall continue �z�til <br />�e�ni��a�ed by ei�her party upon a seven {'i} day written natice thereo£ <br />TII. Com ensation. 7`he fees �ar the Cnnsultant's services wi�I be �illed pn and <br />in aceordance with the hourly rate schedule in� the attached Exhibit B. The Consralia�t <br />vvili also charge �'or reasc�nable ouYTo� pocket exper�ses, ide�fiifzed in E�l�zbi� B as <br />"i�cidental ex�enses." Cansul�ant's compensation far the E�ibi� A work, incl�ding Qu�- <br />of �aocicei expenses, shall nat exceed $102,�73. Fees shall be paid within thirty (30} days <br />following receipt of a monthly invoiee a�d status �epart de�ailzng t�e services performed. <br />TV. Tndemnzfication. The pa;rties shall, as authorized by siaie �aw, and subject <br />to ihe Ci�y's tort liabi�iYy �xmiis in Mi��. Stat. Ck�. 466, indemn��y and hold hannless eac� <br />other and thexr a�ficials, agents, and emplo�ees froxn any Ioss, c�aiz�, l�ability, and <br />expet�se {includi�ag ;reasonable attorn�y's fees and e�penses of litigation) arising out a�' <br />any action co��stituting malfeasanee ar grass negligenee af the res�eeiiv� parties in the <br />performance of the service of this contract. <br />V. Assi nz�ne�t. Thxs Agreement sha�l not be assig�ed, sub�e�, ox trans�erred <br />withaui �he waritten consent of the C�ty. <br />VT. Conflict of Interest. The Consultant agrecs to irnmec�iatel� infarm, by <br />writ�e� i�atice, �he C�ty Manager of pnssible ennt�actual conflict� o�'interest i� <br />