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Exhib'rt A <br />Scope c►#' Serviees <br />�x�ai�zt A outIines a Scope of Sexvices whic� as a part of the Consuitant Services Agreernent canstitutes <br />an agreement between the City of Roseville, hereinafter ref�rred to as the CLIENT, and Hoisington <br />Koegler Grpu� Ine., hereinafter referred to as t�e CONSULTANT for pro%ssional planrzing services �or <br />�he Comprehe�sive Plan Update, hereinafter r�ferred �to as the �'ROJ�CT. <br />Tl�e CLI�NT and CONSULTANT agxee as set forth belaw: <br />A. BASIC S�RVTCES <br />TI-►� CONSULTANT'S basic serviees for the PROJECT are divided into two phases. Phase 2 consists of <br />the task described below: <br />Tas�Z 3— Review t�e Visian <br />The Fi��al Report for �ma�;ine Roseville 2025 describes the co�nmunity's vision with <br />goals aild strategies �or achie�ving the vision. The vision provides an iznportaz�t <br />fiarneworlc for the camprehensive pIanning process. �t will be �sed as fhe faundatian <br />for the Corr�pre�ensive Plan update. <br />3.1 — Revier� the �ision <br />HKGi wil� �haraughly review tl�e results af Tmagine Roseville 2025 to gain a <br />camprehensi�ve understanding of t�e directions containec� within �he agreed upon <br />vision and its implieations for the Co��rehez�save Plan. <br />3.2 — Review vision prioriti�s <br />HKGi will r�view tl�e Ci�y Coua�cil's priorities of the vision eleinents co��tained within Irr�agine Rosevalle <br />2025. As appropria�e, �rioz-ities wi11 be reflec�ed in the imple�nentation strategies contained wiihin t�e <br />plan. <br />T�sk 4- Tdenti�'y the Issues <br />The vision and guiding ��zaaciples describe what Rose�ille aspires to be. The ability <br />to achieve the co�z�u►iity's visio�l will be influe��ced by a variety of issues. To <br />create an e:Ffective Cornprehensive Plan, the planning proccss must identify the <br />critical issues and ex�lore alternatives for adciressing t�enr� thz-ough t�e <br />Com�rehensive P�an. <br />4.1 — �repare "issues" brie�ng paper <br />The initial taslcs in the planni�g process will be used to identify issues facing <br />Roseville. T-iKGi wi11 prepar� a�z-iefing paper tk�at describes our �ndings and views <br />on impiications �or the Comprehensive �'lan. This paper will serve as a toal #�ar <br />� <br />