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i�acilitating pther discussians and reaching consensus o� issues that requzre the rnost attention. Based on <br />our initial research and discussians, the Iist of key planning issues �ay include: <br />• Future Iand use charz�;es. <br />• Main,taining and enhancing t�€e �arks and reereational facilities. <br />• Enhancing the zneans of traveling by faot and bicycle. <br />. Maintenance of existing neighborhoods. <br />• Changing demographics and tecl�naiogy and the related irnplications far devclopme�t and <br />mu��icipal services. <br />o Regional issues and their implieat�ans far Roseville. <br />This �is� wiIl be supple�nented by what we wi]1 �ave learned to date in the planning p�ocess as we11 as <br />fron� direct inpul: from the Sieering Cornmittee and city staff. <br />4.2 — Obtain g�idance fro�z City <br />HKCxi will conduct a worlcshop with the Steering Commit�ee, paaicy rna�ers and City Staff t4 ol�tain <br />��edbacic or€ our findir��;s and gr.iidance on o�her issues that need tn be considered in planning for the <br />futt�re. We wi�] �s� ihis inpuf To revise �ur issues brie�ng paper. <br />4.3 — Obtain public feecibaek <br />HKGi wi11 ta�Ce several steps to comrn�nicate with the public and to receive <br />feec�baek o� lcey plan�in� issues. <br />• Tl�e issues brie�`ing paper will be published on the Compreh�nsive <br />Ptan update Web pa�e. <br />• We will worlc wz�� staf�to pre�are Cab1e TV �aragram #2. This <br />prograrn will explain tI�e �ndin�s of the issues paper and invite people <br />to participate in an onIine survey. <br />•�TKGi witl pz-epare a si�nple Tnternet sua-vey �arm that allows the p��lic <br />tn provide co�n�nents on plannir�g issues. <br />Task 5— Create t�e Pre%rred 2030 Scenario <br />Tl�is tasl� expiores alternative ways o� addressing the issues in context of <br />updati�ig Roser�ille's Co�nprei�ensave �lan �or tha year 2�3U. <br />5. I— Prepare draft scenarias and ev�lua�ion cr��eria <br />Tn malce effective use of the proeess, HKGi will pre�aare alternative sc�narios <br />for the futuxe o� Roseville. These scen�rios will depic� bath existing plans and <br />new di�•ections. <br />HKGi wiil aIso prepare criteria thaf t;an be �sed to describe, carnpare and <br />evaluate th� future scenarios. These cz-iterza will include: <br />S <br />