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�. Mailing lists, �ri�zting, postage and the �ailing of invitations for public meetings. <br />3. Arrangements for public rr►cetings. <br />4. Reproduction oi all i�teram reparts for c�zsfiribution as deemed necessary. <br />D. SUB-CON�SULTANTS <br />To complete aspects of the PROJECT as describe� in Fara�aph A, the CONSULTANT shall make <br />separaie agreeznents with o�her quali�"ied firnas listed in this paragraph. The CONSULTANT shall <br />coordir►ate the waxl� of Sub-Consultan�s as part af the wark of the PROJECT. The CONSUI.,TANT <br />shali not remove the involvernent of identi�ed �'irms or add the invnlve�ent of unmentioned �rms <br />witi�o�t w�-atten cansent �'rorn the CLI�NT. T�e identified S�b-Consultants far ��e PROJECT are: <br />WSB & Associates, Inc. <br />701 Xenia Avenue Sauth, Suite 300 <br />Minneapolis, MN SS416 <br />lI <br />