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7.G - Make �nal revisians <br />HKGi will meet wit� City Sfaff to review the feedback received in Task 4 and to agree on any changes to <br />the draft p1an. �iKGi wiIl �ake �r�al revisions io �he Cornprehensive P1an and the executive s�mmary <br />and prepare the £'inal plan document fqz- the approval process, HKGi r�ill prepare the subrnission <br />worksl�eet that accompanies the Compr�hensive Plan ta the Metropoli�a� Caurkcil, <br />7.7 - �eek approvals <br />HKGi wili assist Ciiy Staff in under�aking the formal process �'or approval of t�e updated Comprehensive <br />Plan by: <br />• Participatian in public hearing required fnr Gornprehensive Plan, <br />• Partici�ation in �inal rer�iew and approvals by Planning Commission and City Council. <br />7.8 - �'repare %nal e�eliverabies <br />In concluding %he project, HKGi will prcpare and pravide the City with t�e following work praducts: <br />• One full color printed cop� (unbound) for repraduetion. <br />. PDF version suitable £or p�blieatinn. <br />• 1'D�' versiorz s�itable for printing. <br />• Original plan chapters ir� Adobs TnDesign. <br />+ Micrasoft Word files of the t�xt for all Plan Chapters <br />• Intlividual grap�rc �les for all i�iustxatians <br />• Editable files foz- all tables. <br />HKGi will provide bo�nd, colox capies of the Com�rehensive P1an in an amount to be dete�i�ed by the <br />City. The casfs of printing and binding will be passed through to th� City. <br />B. ADDITTC.�NA�.� SERVICES <br />Th� CONSU�.,TANT and the CI.�NT may agree ir� v,�'a��zg to amend this Can�'act for addiiional <br />services related to the F'ROJECT and coznpensation for such s��vices, The folIowing services have <br />not beea� xequested by the CLIENT but are available upo� w�'i�ten aut�orization. <br />1. Meetings in addition to those speci�`ied in Paragraph A above. <br />2. Ser�rices or Deliverables not sp�ci%eally identiffed in Faragraph A abave. <br />C, CL��NT'S RESP4NS�B�LITY <br />Tt�e CLTENT shall be responsib�e fqr the following: <br />1. Asse�bly pf background infor�natio� including, but not limited tc� paper and/or digital copies of <br />a11 former cornprehensive plar�s, aerial photographs, base maps, inventory data, U.S. Cens�s <br />iizfarn�a�ipn, traffc and �ransportation in£or�nation and availal�Ie CAD ma�ping, iiinited ta tl�ose <br />that are reasonably avaitable. <br />la <br />