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�tEQUEST FOR C0�7NCIL ACTION <br />pproval;, City Manager <br />DATE: 9/24/0'i <br />ITEM NO: �,� <br />Agenda Sectioz�: <br />CONSENT <br />�tem Description: Najmieh Rezaicl�ani, �25 VVag�er Street, seeks a COND�TIONAL USE <br />PE�iNI�T ta allow a haiar salc�n as a home occupatzo� (PF07--051). <br />��17 <br />2 1.1 <br />3 <br />REQUESTED ACTION: <br />Ms. Rezalchani plans tn operate a s1�a1� �aair salon �ro� �er hoz�ae. �'u�sua�t to § 1 Q04 <br />(Resid�n�ial Dist�-icts) a� t�e Caty Gode, a Conr�itional Use Permit is required for this �xs�. <br />� PRO.aECT �vlEw xlsTORy <br />5 • Application submitted: July 31, 2007; Dete�ined cam�a�e�e: A�gust 3, 200'� <br />6 • Sixty-da� z-eview deadXi�e: Sep�exnber 2$, 200'� <br />7 •�'la�ning Commission reco�mendation {7-Q to approve): Septe�nber S, 2007 <br />g • Projec� report recommendation: Septembez- 2�, 2007 <br />9 • Antieipated Gi�y Council action: September 24, 20Q7 <br />� 0 2.0 PLANN�NG C4MM�SS�ON RECOMMENDATION: <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />�J <br />1� <br />�7 <br />2.1 T�e Planni��; Ca�nz�rzissian held the public hearing for �his prQposal on September 5, <br />2007. One member p� the �ublic was present and expressed some concern pertaing to the <br />potential for increased traf�c and paz-�in�; prp�lezns fik�at could arise as t�e sala� business <br />grows. Tk�e �lanr�ing Commissian voted �nanimously (7-0) �o recn�r�mend approval a� <br />the req�es�ed CONDITI�NAL USE �'ERM�T. Co�nmunity DevelQpznent staff concurs <br />witk� tl�e Planni�lg Co�n�nission recoxnrnendatian �o a�prov� the rec�uest; see Sectio� 7 a� <br />this report for tla� detailed z-eco�mendation. <br />18 3A SUGGESTED C�TY C4UNC�L ACT�4N: <br />� 9 3.1 Ado�i a r�solution approving tkae rec�uested C4ND�T�ONAL USE PERMIT, pursuan� to <br />20 § 1004 (Residenee Dis�ric�s) and � 1013 (Coiiditional Us� Pe�znits) of t�e City Code; see <br />2� Sectio�� 8 af this r�port for tl�e detailed action. <br />P�07-O51 R�A 092407 <br />� Page Z of 4 <br />