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4e0 BACKGROUND: <br />2 4.1 Ms. Rezak�aa�.i ow�s t�e prpperiy at 42S Wagne� Street, wk�ich has a Co�nprel�ensive Plan <br />3 designation of Low-Density Re�idential (LR) and a zaning classification of Single-Family <br />4 Residence District (R-1). <br />5 4.2 This Conditional Use Permit {CUP) request �as been pro�apieci by �he applica�t's desire <br />6 io operate a�o��ae-based �air saton thaf would serve about 5 cli�nts per week. <br />5.0 STAFF C4MMEN7CS: <br />8 5.1 Sectian �013 o�the Rose�ville Czty Code allows the City Caunci� �o grant CUPs for �and <br />9 uses that az�e conditionally pez�m�tted. i� a zoning dist�ict and to iznpose any additional <br />10 eonditic�ns dee�ned neeessary ta proteet �he public healih, safety, and general welfare. <br />�� 5.2 Section 1004.01 G(Hom� Occupations} of the City Code �ermits certain horr�e <br />� 2 acc�pations on single-fatnily reszdez�iiai prrape�ties, provided that the use is "seconda�y <br />13 ax�d subord'znai:e to the przncipal xes�dential use o�t�e property"; subsectio� 2j3 stipulates <br />1� that an i�-home salon is a conditianal use, thus a CU�' is required. <br />� 5 5.3 Subsectia� 1004.O1G2a limits the totai flaar area dedicated to the home occupation tn <br />16 30°/a of the ofthe floor area of the ho�ne or �00 square feei, whic�e�ver is �ess. <br />17 S.4 Tn addition to any residents of tne home, Subsection 1004.01 G2h a�lows u� to 1 fuli-�ime, <br />� 8 noan�residez�t e�ployee ta warlc ar a hame-based business. <br />19 5.5 Subsectidn I004.01 G2e allows a maxirrium of 2 additional vehicles ta be pa�rlced a� aar <br />2� near the prop�riy at az�y one tixzae t.�at related ta t�ze kzaxxae occupation. More than any <br />21 atk�ex z'equzrement, t�is prqvision would effectively prevent an� subsfian�ial increase in <br />22 traff c and any prablems rela�ed ta excess vehicle parl�ing. <br />23 5.6 Sub�ection 1004.O�G2f stipulaies that daliveries ofprod�ets, Znerchandise and supplies <br />24 tnay anly be rnade by single rear-ax�e st�ra�ght truc�s arr piher vehicles co�nmon�y used £or <br />25 de�ive�ries in �eszdential neighborhaods. <br />26 5.7 Suhsection 1004.01 G2h allows �ours af outwardly visible signs af operation, including <br />27 deliveries ar�d client arrivals, be�ween 8:00 a.m. and $:00 p.m. <br />28 S.8 1'lanxaiz�g Divisipn sta£� �elieves �hat the requirements of § 1004.01 G, which regulate <br />29 home occ��ations and whie� have been excerpted above, are s�Fficient to ensure tl�at �he <br />3D pra�osed in-horne hair salon will operate in a manner that is eampatible wrt�i ihe <br />31 surrounding resideniial uses, pending the following review of CUP-approval cxzteria. <br />32 S.9 The S�aie Buzld�ng Code exemp�s private homes from accessibili�y require�nents, but the <br />33 portions of the residence used inr the l�usiness are subject to Federal ADA requirezn�nts. <br />3� Nn rnodificatians tr� ensure ace�ssibility are required prior to sta�ti�g the business, b�t <br />35 e�rtain modificat'rons wou�c� be required at such time as alteraiions are made to areas <br />36 related to �he business activity. <br />PF07-OS 1 RCA 092407 <br />� Page 2 of 4 <br />