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6.0 REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERM[IT CRITERIA <br />2 6.1 Section lO13.01 (Conditional Use Permiis) o�the City Code �'equires t�e P�atlt�i�g <br />3 Cnrnmission and City Cnuncii to cflnsider the fnllowing criteria when xe�iewing a CUP <br />4� ap�lication: <br />5 a. Impact on tra:ffic; <br />6 �. Impact on parlcs, sireets, and ather pubiic facilities; <br />7 e. Cornpatibility of the site plan, internal traff c circt�Iation, landscaping, and <br />8 str�ctures wi�h contiguous �roperties; <br />9 de T�l7p�Ct Q� ��'iE LISE at] t�7.� I]7�T��1: V2.�11� O� C011t1�UOlIS p�'0�1�Fi1�5; <br />1� e. Trr�pact on the general p�blic �eal�, safety, and welfare; a�d <br />11 f. Cornpatility with the City's Corr�prehensiv� Pla��. <br />12 6.2 Tmgact on traific: T'he Planning Division has detertnined that �he number of clients tha� <br />13 cau�d reasa�ably be acca�nznadated by the i�-hozaae salan wauld have a negligible iran.pact <br />14 on iraffic. <br />� 5 6.3 Impac� a� parks, streets, and ather pu�ixc �aci�it�es: The PIana�in�g I�ivzsio� has <br />16 de�ermined that the proposed ho�ne oecupation will not have an adverse im�act or� the <br />17 City's parks, stre�ts, and/or other �'acilities. <br />� 8 6.4 Compatibility ... with contiguous properties: Aside fro�n th� possible adciitian af a 3� <br />� 9 squar�-foot, non-ill�minated sign, as parmitt�d by � 1009 (Sign Regulations) of tl�e City <br />2p Code, no changes to the putwarci appeara�ee of the �a�ne €ar yard are praposed that would <br />21 rendex the property incompa�ible with ihe neig�Zboring properties. <br />22 b.5 Im�act af the use c�n the market value nf cnntig�aus prnperties: The Planning <br />23 Division has c�eiermined that the proposed salon use is unlikely ta �aave an adverse impact <br />24 on contiguo�s properties because it will be largely invisible and oti�ervvise unnaticeable <br />25 fron � ather homes in the axea. <br />2� 6.6 Impac� o� the general public health, safety, and welfare: T�ae �'lanz�ing Divisian <br />27 l�elieves that �l�e �ropased ho�ne-based hair sa�on will have na impaet on the general <br />28 public health, �afety, and w�ifaxe. <br />29 6.7 Com�atility �cwi�h the City's Caimprehensive P�an: Certain home occ�apations are <br />3� per�xa�itted uses (a�zd t�e paropased salon is a condiiionally perrr�itted use) in �he R-1 <br />3� Szn�;le-k'amily Residence Dis�rict anci are compatib�e with the Coz�prehensive Plan <br />32 designation oi Lov,r-Density Residential. <br />33 7.0 STAFF RECUMMENDATION: <br />3� 7.1 Based a� tk�e camme��s anc� findiza�;s outlzz�ed z� Sectioz�s fi and 7 of this r�pazi, t�e <br />35 Planning Division recoarzanaends appraval of the reques�: for a C�NDITIONAL USE <br />36 PERMIT to aila�r the proposed in-home salo;� to aperafie in eampliance with the <br />37 requirerne�zts and regulations establisl�ed in § 1004.d 1 G af the Roseville City Cade. <br />1?�'07-451 RGA 0924p7 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />