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Regularr City Coun€cAl M�eting <br />Monday, August 13, 2007 <br />Page 12 <br />1. Counci�member �hlan soughi clarif cation, and City �'�anner Thomas <br />2 Paschke conf rn�zed, that this requested IU�' was for only a portion o�' <br />3 �he tenant axeas in th� warehous� facil�ty. <br />4 <br />5 Roe maved, Pust seconded, adoption of Reso�utxon No. 1 �S 3 8 enti- <br />6 tled, "A Resoluiion .A.pproving an Tn�erin� Use Permii in Accordance <br />7 wi�h Roseville City Code, Scction � O l 2.09 for Mark �`heobald and <br />8 ERP lVlinnesota Port%lio, LLC, 2581 Fairview Avenue {PF07T042)." <br />9 <br />3.0 <br />�.1 <br />x2 <br />3. 3 <br />14 <br />�. 5 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />2S <br />29 <br />�o <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />3S <br />39 <br />Ro1� Cai� <br />Ayes: �hlan; Pust; Kough; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />8. Cans�c�er Items Removed from Consent <br />a. Resoiut�on — Adapi a Resolutian �xtending the Woarking Hours <br />�'ar AMG Rosedale Cente�r 14 Theatre Entary Plaza V�stibule Ad- <br />dition �Forme�- Cvnsent Tt�m 7.i) <br />N�ayor K�ausing apened Public H�aring to con�id�� �his r�quest at <br />6:54 p.m. <br />Ciiy Engzn�er Deb�a Bloam br�efly reviewed the r�quest; no�ing tha.t <br />the applicant would like to initiate work on Tue�day, Augu�t �4, 200'7, <br />ta accommadate additional hours when the ma11 was not op�rational, <br />and in an a�tempt to finish before the upcoming holiday shopping sea- <br />sons. Ms. Blaom also noted th� app�ieant's desire to c��aie l�ss inter- <br />ferencc with bus and vehzcular traffic w�th�n �he immediate si�e, ad- <br />dress saf�ty issues, and avoid disruptions during popu�ar�ie atien- <br />dance tim�s. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that staff had provid�d published and mail�d no- <br />izce to property owners w��hin five hundred fee� (50Q'}, and had re- <br />ceived no eomment. N�s. Bloom adv�sed that there may be someone <br />at tonight's mee�ing wishing to camment. Sta�� recommended ap- <br />proval a� the request�d hour va�iance. <br />Discussion included weekday vcrsus weekend �x�ended hou� requests; <br />origina� deszgn flaws; and a recouxse for any �residen�s �n adjacent <br />apartments �f naise issues become problema�ic, <br />