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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />Regular City C�uncil Mee�ing <br />Mnnciay, Aag�ust � 3, 2�07 <br />Page 13 <br />City Attorney Anderson c�arified tha� this variance requ�st was not a <br />land use variance request. <br />4 City Engineer B1oom expr�ss�d conf denc� that, should any problerns <br />5 arise, the City's existing nuisance code p:rovisions would provide suf- <br />6 ficient recourse. <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />1D <br />Mayor Klausing closed the Public Hearing a� 6:58 p.m., with no o�e <br />appearing �'or or agains�. <br />1� Kough moved, Pust seconded, adoption o�' Resolu�ion Na. 10539 en�i- <br />12 tled, "Resolution Extending Warking Hou�s �ar AMC Rasedale Cen- <br />13 ter 14 Theatre Entry Plaza Vestibule Additxan;" ext�nd�ng working <br />14 hou�rs �`rom August 14 --- 31, 2a07 during nighi�ime hours o� 1:00 a.m. <br />15 �0 7:00 a.m.; and f-arom Sep�ember �� Novernbe� 30, 2007 during <br />16 early morning houxs from 6.00 am. To 7:00 a.m. <br />17 <br />IS Roll Cal� <br />19 Ayes: Ihlan, Pust; Kough; �oe; and K�ausing. <br />20 Nayse None. <br />2� <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />b. Proper�y Acquisit�on o� � 779 Rose P�ace <br />C�ty Attarney Anderson advised �hat the 4pen Meeting �aw required <br />the City, prior to cTosing a meeting, to state the grounds allowing eloT <br />sure and to describe the sub��ct to be d�scu�sed. Mx. Ande�son ad- <br />vised that, accord�ng to 1V�innesota S�a�ut�, Section 13.D OS subd. 3 <br />(c) (3} of the Open N.C�e�ing Law, closure was p�nnitted �'ar properiy <br />aequisitzon discussions and negotiatxons; which had taken place �e- <br />garding p�operty at 1779 Rose P�ace. <br />31 Mr. Ande�son noted that Mayoar K�ausing had opened the �neeting in <br />32 Open Session at approx��ately 5:45 p.m. in the Aspen Raom wzth <br />33 Council concurring on a vote of 4-0 (Pus� absent). Then the meeting <br />34 relocated to the City Council Chambers due to audio difficuTties in the <br />35 Aspen Room at whieh time Cauncilmember Pust arrived at 5:47 p.m. <br />36 Mr. And��son further not�d that the meeting wa� e�osed and �he Coun- <br />�7 cil convened in Execuiive Session; with Mayor Klaus�ng adjaurning <br />38 the meeting at approximat�ly 6: QS p.m. <br />39 <br />