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�v} '�`er����a��p�� �'�r� ����e. if tl�e Ma��a�e�° is te����i��ated by the Cify Cob�a�cil fnr cati�se, <br />the Ci#y sl�all i���e ��o al�ligatzon ta pzovide �ay7��.e3�ts andlor i��z�efits as listed i�� <br />� subparts i il�.rou�h iai of #l�is subsectzo�a. <br />�} �ay�e�ai IJ�a��s �'�I�rn@��-y Te��si�����a�. U�c�n CI�e Marz�ger's volu��tary tez-�i��atiaxx of <br />� eir�ployrnei�t, he sllai� be entitled ta fiil] pay�llei�t by tl�.e �ext fol�owii�g �aay peric�d o�: <br />�j Payaraent of all acci°ucd �aid Tpn�e Of�at i�s fu11 v�l��e at tl3e Ma�iager°s current rate of <br />�aay. <br />��) Payme�z� of a1] w�ges for d��s wn�-ked sznce ehe Ias� �ay�'oli pez�ic�d pxior to <br />sepaz-ation. <br />�) I�c��g��i�ea�. Natluz7g h�a-ei�� sl�all be dcerned a waiver af any i•ights or ctairr,s t1�at �ithe�' pa�ty <br />n�ay have beyo�ld the coinpens�fiioi� d�le �7� the i�onnal cours� of tl�e separatiaa� of tl�e Ma�aa�ea' frorn tl�� <br />City's ezn�.l.oy. <br />��e�aaz $. `�'er�.a�. Tl�is Agreeinent s�a11 l�e f��• a�� ind��tnite ter��� until iei-��iz�ate�i by n��e a�-1ao�Iz oF <br />the paxties as set faxtl� iS� th�s Agree�ent. <br />�eeiioYa 9a �aad��.n��'ic�ii��k. Thc �ity sl�al] defend azaci ind.en��.ii'y [he Manager }�u�•sua��t tn a��d <br />accor•di�tg to ihe �erms and canditians af Mii�nesata �tatutes �6b6.07 a1�d 4f 5.76. <br />�ectian,l0. li'Ier� T%�s Agz-eeznent supersedes a�� �xic�r oral or written corta�nnrucations betvvee�� <br />the parties. <br />�ee�ia�t �]. �aatNre A�reemerat. Tliis Ag1°eemen� constitutes the etxtire ag�-eemez�t �,etv�eea� fil�e �a�-tzes <br />with res}�ect to the em�loyixa��.at i�elati.ozaship b�t�vee� the City a�id. t�e Manager az�.d i��e �ar�ies a�s-ee t�at <br />tl�eze w�re �ac� inducesneilts or re��•es�z�i:atians l�ading to tl�e executio�l of this .�,�reeme��t excepC as I�erein <br />co»faix�ed. <br />�eeiia�a 1�. �evera�i�lity. It� cas� a��y o7�e or z�aore o�' the proviszo�as o.f tl�is Agreetnez�t sllall �e <br />dee�ned �n �e �n��al�d, illegal, or u��.�n�oxceaUle i.n azry �es�ect, the �aliciity, aegality a��d enfor°ceability af �e <br />ren�aining provisians contaz�zec� �n tlzis Ap eeanent wi�l not iz2 a.a�y �vay be a��ected pz- impaired thereby. <br />�ectia�t � 3. �nver�in� �,,avv. Tius Ag�ee��ler�t ���11 be canstrried a��d interp��eied in aecordance witl� <br />tlze Iaws of the ��ate of Mi��ne�ata. <br />Secizaz� l4. �our�terpa�-�s. T�is Agreem��it a�ay be executed simulta��eausly i�� two oa- more <br />ccsut�terparts, each o�'w�lic�a wil� Ue dee�ned aa�, bui all o£wi�cl� �o�e#ller wili ca��stitute o��e anci ihe <br />sa��e i�kstzuzneixt. <br />IN W�TN�S� WH�REO�, �nauloycr l�as ca�is�d t��s Ag�-een�ea�t to be sig��ed and �xcct�ted az� its <br />behalf l�y its Mayor and �nteri� City Ma.t�ager, and 1l�Ca��a�er has si�n�d CIais Agre��z�e��t, i��. duplicate the <br />day a�nd yeax first wzitten abav�. <br />-4- <br />