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Ag�e�a�e�a� <br />Ongo��g <br />Los� �`o�i�al ��a�v���s <br />T)A.TE: August 15, 200"7 <br />�L�EI�T: Ckty of RoseVille <br />26G0 C�vic Genter DrXVe <br />Rosev�IJe, MN SSJ 13 <br />COI�'Z"�C'�', Brci�da I�. Davitt <br />Assistaz�t �'iz�.ance Di�-ectar <br />PR�J�ECT: Loss Con�rol �ervic�s <br />R����� �►II:Ifa �M ��'�l7:1� <br />I- U��less soo��er tennii�ated in accordance witl�. t1�is Agreerne�zt, ILC a�ad t11e City c��Rosevillc, <br />wi ll. have at z�zznxr�um the �o�lowiz-�g A�;re���ent perzod. <br />Star� date: Se�. tenaber l, 2007 throu�l� A��ust 31.� 24�$ <br />2� Dtt�xag the Agz'ecment pez�od t�ere wi�l l�e, ai ��ii�i�nui�, a m�d-ter�� evaluation o�i�ae services <br />��-avicl�d and t��e req�ests o�'service to ensure expectatioils ai•e me�. <br />�GOP�: <br />.T�ealilz arxd S`afety 1Vloratlily ��z-Goiiag �'upport (Average of (G} six labor hours whicl� izZCludes <br />oa�ze oza-si�e visit pex ���a��i.� cove�ixlg a 12 ��oz�tla serviee p�r�oc�) <br />ILC �itl pravzde a fixed level af 7nonihly support to the Healtll and Safety Program at ihe <br />City ofRosevzl�e's apezat�p�s. T1us wilZ i�c�ude assis�zng �vzt�� rautine operation �-eviews �o <br />ez�s�z�e com�lza�zce with a�plicable occupa�ional health and safeiy re�uIa�ions. Service waulcl <br />inc�ude trainzng on se�ected to�azcs, assista�ce with Sa�'ety Comzxzittee {t�°ai�a�zzg, xesotzrces, <br />e�c.), facility tours to idel�tify azxy health or safety issues �,v�xiclx could advers�ly impact �he <br />Iaealth ox sa�ety o� e��layees, perforn�► required reporting to reg�zlatory agerzcies a��d serve as <br />an o�a-cal� �-esa�rce £ox- znanage��aent. Coordi��ate se�vices avai�able fro�a� at�ex sourees, suc� <br />as iz�sura�xce caz��az�i�s, wnu�d be p�'ca�ided to h�1p ensure na duplicatiQn o�servic�s or <br />ur���ecessa�y costs. <br />Duxzn� the ina���I1Iy site �isits t�e follor�vi��, at ��inirz��zz�, will be accomplisl�cd: <br />HCealth and Safet� <br />�.. Wit��in the a�lotted ti���, co��duct a�'ac��Xty �ak�ysXCal �aza�d �dentiC�cat�on wal��-through <br />ai�d discuss findings rr�ztl� t�e desigz�ated ��anagezz�ezat representatzve. A cola�° d'zgitai <br />c��y af Ras���ir� <br />Qngouag A�reement - Lass Ca����ol. Servic�s <br />A��gust 15, 2007 <br />Iiategrated I.oss Cont�°al, 1"r�c. (bS1) 633-GS�S <br />