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phoi� report (pY�oto-supp�eme�li) of ar�y issues icteniifieti will be prov�ded. <br />B. Review all applicable OSHA reco�dkeeping, ��akz�g sure all recards are currei�t and <br />co�a�plete. Exa�nples might be; �mployee training recnrds (Rigk�t-To-Kt�ow, forl� t�c��, <br />equipr�e�t ope�atzon, etc.), cra�e, cl�ain and sling inspectio�l reeords, fork �ntck <br />iz�spection r�cords, i�j�ry repo�zng, �iz�st Reports a£�j�z�y, aecident investigation foilow- <br />u�a, reports, etc. <br />G. Meet with the desig,��ated �aa��agerne��t rep�'esen�ativ� to dzscuss any sa�'ety and health <br />isst�es wk�ic� kaave been ideil�ified l�y ernpIoyees si�zce our last visit or duritlg t1�e site �i�it <br />co��duct�cl �y tihe ILC represe�a.tatz�e. Aaaswer questians. <br />D. I� app�ical��e, ca�duet quarter�y earbon mor�oxide �nc�nitoring as required by OSHA (gas <br />powered fiork t�cks). <br />E. �d�nti�y any QSHA rec�uirernents and any nor�-�re��lated polieies (traini��g rec�uzrez�en�s, <br />etc.) that zzzay have�ged due to c�r�'ent operatio��s or that have �een <br />pu�lished/d�veloped which impaci operatin��s. Assist witl� ��alciz�g the necessazy updates <br />and comrnunicate tl�e c�anges as r�quired. <br />F'. CQ��c�uct saf�ty related traini�:g on pxedetez-mxxaed top:cs. Tl�zs would :z�cl�:de trainin�, �n <br />th� new�y updated Hea��l� and Sa�ety �'ragrarn and its cnmpliance requireme�lis applicable <br />to the City ar7d each department/division. <br />G. Assis� with the periodic �evzevv tlze Material Safety Data Sheet access systerrz aX�d aid with <br />updati�g as necessa�y. <br />Gene�al C�n-gozng Se�'vice will include: <br />1. Coordinate with the ins�raz�ce Age��t/Brol�er a�ad iz�sura�ce co�apazay (Lea�u� o�Citzes, <br />T�'A, etc.) an�y industrial hygieiie sampling required or other services as may b� needed. <br />2. Serve as an ex-o�ficin rnern�er a�'the Czty's Healik� and Safety Coz�ittee, pz-oviding <br />guidax�ce, training and tecl�iical s�ppor�. <br />3. Assist wrth rrzairztainzng tl�e City's wxitten Hea1�1a anc� Sa�e�y Prograrra (hard copy a�d/or <br />e�ectroz�ic). <br />4. Wit�ixa the �ir�cze al�ott�d, dev�Iop a�ry a��licable health and safety carrz�liance prograrz�s <br />and provicte the requ:ized trazzaing ta supezvisioxa ax�d eznplayees. �n acidition, provide <br />varzous recordlceepi��g forms, whicl� wiil se�ve fo meet applicable recnrdice�ping <br />req�ire� ez�ts. <br />5. Coordinate� ot��er state/cQU��ty agez�cies other servzces as may be r��cded. <br />G. As apprapriate, a��d w�e�� applicable, se�ve a� an ex-officio ine�nber af t�ze IIazardous <br />Ma�erials Em�r�ei�cy Respoz�s� Tea�a, pravidzzag �ui�ar�ee a��d tech�aical support. <br />City of �.oseville <br />Ongoing A��-ee�x�ent - �,oss Coi�trol Services <br />August 15, 2007 <br />Irrt.egr°at�rl Loss Gont�rol, Ir�c. (651) G3.3--6525 <br />