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i" Wli. �itJW� t3 tJVVC,al� n �.i��' --r..rc. s uu. i avx..�.+. a,...,,., ...........,�.�,,... _�,,,,. � y_`.'___ _. <br />Frorrr: esanc#s2892@aol.aam <br />7'0: city.council�c's.raseville.�nn,us; bill.maiinen@ci.roseviile.►; sta@ratwik[; jts@ratvriklaw.corn; preuvers�a <br />�cc: ESANDSZS12�, <br />Subject: Fwd: Howt n Govem a City --St. Paul Pioneer Press �'ditorial �riday, June 27 <br />Date; `fue, 7 Aug 2007 2:€36 prr� <br />fiir�al Dan Rne Cnr�rnentary on Naure of 7'win Lakes Gomprehensive Plan: <br />w__..Origir�a( Message---.- <br />From: �an.roe c�7cor�cast,net <br />To: <br />Sent: Tu�� 7 r4ug 2Eif}7 1'I:Q4 am . <br />S�bject: Re: Fwd: �fvwt o Govern a City —St. Paul Pioneer Press Editoria! �riday, June 27 <br />��, <br />'�o cl.ari�y: <br />T do not �h�.nk that I have contencled �hat the Rott�.und p�.an was or was not <br />consistent with t�e 2001 Master P].an. I m�rely poa.nted out th�t it does no� <br />seem to me �ha� the cnurt rul�.ng made any judgment about whether i�C saas or was <br />nat. <br />A�.so, T don"t kraaw whether the pro�ect approval wou�.d �Zave been legally rralid, <br />or whether the projec� �aulci hav� proe�eded, withaut takang �.he vote to the <br />Rottlund plan into tYte Mast�r P1an. <br />Sinee �he develape� chpse tp quzt �t�e pro�ect, �hat pretty much made these <br />questions academic ex��cises. <br />Certaiz�l.y, fuxther feedback or advice releted to these questions cpuld help <br />inform future delibexa�a,nns ozz an}r p�npasa�.s that come forwa�d. <br />In my mind, it is a great 3.eap at tha.s point to qo from �hese <br />questions to cnnclur��ng that anyone made "ter�ible blurzde�{s)" or that legal <br />advice was "s�riau5ly ilaweci." lat this point, I ara nnt anywhez�e near prepareC3 <br />to ta3ce that leap. <br />Dan Roe <br />Ros�vilie City Councilraembe� <br />______.�_.�___�_ b�'agina�, m�ssage --___..__„..._________.._.„�. <br />Fram: �:sa��ci�2��1"?t'ao:�„cr�az: <br />> This z�essage lzas been processed by Symantec's AntiV�,rus Technology. <br />> <br />> iJnknown000� was not scanned �or viruses because too man.y nested <br />1eveZs <br />> n£ files were found. <br />> <br />> <br />>�'o� r�ore infiormata.on on ant�vizus tips and �echno�oqy, visit <br />]�:'�.i.�.:i/;.�es.s;:i:�3r��r��^.c:o��r' � <br />AO�. now nfiFers fr�� ernail tio e�eryor�e. �'ind Qut rnnr� abaut rrdhat's free #rom AOL at �C�L.corn. <br /> 8/7/20U'7 <br />