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� yvu. ��vvva v�vv�.��x ra �,ity -_uE. i aui x�vAiG�i .riC�� t:,ut�,vtiai rtivay, Jti1fC LI Yd�,Te i OT LG <br />From: esands2612 a�aol.cnm <br />7'n:; biil.rrralinen@ci.roseuiile.rr�; sta@ratw'ski�w.cnm; jts�ratwiklaw.cnrn; preuvers@iuersnnfaw.cnrrt <br />�cc: �SAt�D52612@aol.r,am <br />5ubject: Fwd: Howt o Govem a City -�S#. Pau! Pioneer �'ress Editoria! Friday, .�une 27 <br />'�ate: i'ue, 7 Aug 2007 2:D4 pm <br />Gamm�ntary on the nature of the Twin Lakes Comprehensive Plan: <br />.�-__priginal M�ssage—_-- <br />From: esands26�2@aol.carr7 <br />ro:�@co�casc.n�t <br />BcG: E�ANDS26� <br />5ent: Tue, 7 Aug 2d07 9:53 arrt <br />Subjec#: Fwd: Howt o Go�ern a City —St. Paul Pioneet' F'ress Editoriai Friday, June 27 <br />As ! said last r�ight, here are �y fir�al cnrnments on #his subject fnr yaur review. I s�al1 b� providing copies af our o�gaing <br />discussion regarding �he true nature of tf�e Twin Lakes Comprehensive Plan to the City Cour�cil, and to the attomeys involved. <br />Thank ynu far i�is frank and ir�formative discussior�. Ai Sands <br />Heilo Dan Roe: <br />Yaur last set of aarr�ments tn me via e rnazl regardin�; the Appelate Co�art decisi�n are of s�zch rnagnitude tl�at I feel it <br />necessary fQr me to share it with yoz�r fe�low eouncilpersons and t�e public, along with my assessmen� o�' wkzat s�c� a <br />�onsiruciion of the T�win Lalces App�llate Co� Ruli�g means. <br />If I understand you correctly, it is your pnsitinn that the appeals cv�rt ruling �erely ruled an the att�rnpt by t�e city to <br />insert the Rottlund master p�an intn the City's Twin Lakes Mas�ez plan. Tha� was �led "ineffeciive". SUT #hat did <br />nat decide whether ar nvt the i�ottlund pla�n was inconsistent wi�a tha Twrr� Lakes Master PIan. The City's attempt ta <br />insert '�e Rottlund P1an into the Comprehez�sive Pia� was an. uz�:ecessary proceduxe---a �z�ista��, of no impartanca o� <br />conseq�xence as to th� �bility o�the Rot�lurtd plan �a prncecd arryway, since fhe �rue natt�rs ofthe Twin �.akes Master <br />Pian allows for a variety of possible irnplementation plans wit�ou� the obligatian ta znsert any such. plan into the Twin <br />Lakes Master and Cnmprehensi�ve Plan. Th� Twi� Lak�s Master P�a�: is today same Pla� si�ee 6/26/01, sd what i� is <br />c�eemed to be taciay, atso applies to a�y preeeding pla.n. <br />Under that legal pasition, the city and t�.e developer shouid have proceeded to implarr�ent t�e Rottlund Master Ptan, <br />withc�ut inserting it into the Cflrnprehensiv� Pla�, on the basis that th� Master Plan allaws a va.riety of plans, an� <br />declaring the Rottl.und pian consisien� wzt.� wl�at eonstitutcs the Twi� La.�es Master P�an. Inserti�g t�e Rottlund P1a� <br />into �he Twirz Lak�s Mas�er Plan and �h� Carr�p Plan is unr►ecessary, and t��refore the Appellaie Court ruling is <br />rneaningless. So, i� as you say, your �osi�ion is t�e I�gally correct nne: <br />_-T`he City has �z�ade a terrzble blunder by un.necessariiy stapping the Rottl�d Twin Laices pro�ect. <br />--Tl�� developers also bli�ndered by stoppi�g �e projec�. <br />--The attorney(s) representing the City in tl�is amatt�r gave serious�y flawed advice t� Council. <br />I'li be v�ry curiaus �o see if yo�.u� fe�lc�w coune�l persons, and the city attorney, and Mr. Reuvers, the attorney <br />representing the C�ty in this matter, concur with your view af the meaning of the Appellate Court Decision, and that <br />the Rattlund plan is stiil a legal�y via6le p�an eonsistent wi�h the Twin Lakes Master Plan, as amendec� 6/26/4 �. <br />A1Sands <br />'7/aol/en-uslMaztlPrintMessage.asp� 8/7I2007 <br />