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i' WIE. I7.VWL V, Ut1VGt11 cL i.1Ly "'i3L. ,C'ciUl tfVtiGC1 ,CIGaJ L',UIEtJAlt[.! 1'Litt�l)+� JU11G Ll . 1'[l�G 10 VA GL <br />see wF�y thos� scenarios �an not be used as guidance as to the new AUAR (sc� long as they cnnfcrrm ta the rest of th� il�aster <br />F'�an). <br />Nnn-confarming refiers strictly to zoni�g, nat comp plan designatic�ns. As of nur Jan�ary 2007' O�cial �nning Map, th� <br />prope�ties ir� questinn in t�e Twin �.akes area are sti![ zoned as various �ypes of fnd�sirial (taecause t�� �6 zoni�g was noi ever <br />made ef€ective, as the prajeet for wi�ich it was apprnved was abandoned}. Non-cnnforming, by its definition in section 1002.D2, <br />refers to uses existing befare the adopt�on ofi the zc�ning code in � 959. Ef industrial uses were canforming as of the las� nf€iciai <br />zoning of that pro�erty (say when the truc}tir�� termirrals, etc., tivsre b�ilt), ihey ate nat s�ddenly °nan-cc�nfarming„ novs+. <br />Fnr some reasan, E arrz ofter� up in the we� hours of Tuesday rr�ornings lately... <br />Da� Roe <br />_______.._____ Originaf inessage ----------- <br />�'rom: �sands2612@anl.cpm <br />[t's �anfor�unate tha� maps 3, 4, and 5 w�re i�ciuded in ihe app�ndix to the master plan. Th�y were int�nded ta <br />preseni' historical clevelopments, but are now eron�ously c�aimed �y ,Jo�►r� Stark and you as an in�egral pat# of fhe <br />Master Pian. In fact, you will nnt find th� fn�r aption plan i� #he council packet at �II on Cl25/01. �f yn� read the <br />E126/01 packet and rninutes carefully, ynu wilf find they toak out scenario 1a, and that left only scenario1 as having <br />any validity, as fihe minute� c(early state., and as staff recnmmended--only or�e plan. ihat is aisa the only ane plan <br />skudied in th�� AEJAFZ at th� time, which is alsa an integral pari of th� Twin Lakes Compref�ens'sve Plan by am�ndtnent <br />of th� Cauncil. <br />Yau need to read Code 10i1 regard�ng use of non cnnfnrming land uses, and their �imit�tivns. Sinee th� master plan <br />shnws Twin Lakes as a B-6 zone, any other use is nfln confor�'ning. <br />I note your iast e rr�ail was sent at 3 AM'this mnrning. Neither you or Ja3�n Kysylyczyn must �leep. <br />AI 5ands <br />_..___prigina! M�ssage—�__ <br />From: d�n.roe@cnrncas�,n�;t <br />To: esands2.,61?_ a(�,,' <br />Sent: Tue, 31 Jul 2b07 1 �:07 am <br />Subject: Re: �fnwt a Govern a City --5t. Paul Pioneer Press �ditorial Friday, June 2i <br />AI, <br />J read the whole �aacke� for the ,iune 26, 2001, meeting, and t�e meeting minutes. All it says is that ihey todk out <br />scen�ria 1 a from the Master Plan, and accep#ed t�� AUAR. <br />7he 4-co�cept map is right in the Twin Lakes Master Plan fihat you get when you gull it up via the Cify web site lt is <br />ref�e�nced in khe Table of Cr�ntents (as "Map 3"}, so it iS part oi the Master Plan. <br />.1ohr� 8tark did nvt rr�ake that rr�ap up. 1� is in the capy of the Master Plan that f have frpm my days on the Twin Lakes <br />Stakeholder I'ane[, befQre John Staek e�en worked for the city. <br />Dan <br />--------�---- Originad message ---------�-__ <br />Fro�: esands2�12@�ol.eom <br />�'leas� r�ad #he cauncil packet pages 199 and 200 dated June 26, 2001 as yau sfill insist map four is <br />refavent. It is n�t. Scenario '� is the anly arnendment to the rr�aster p�an in effect. If you still have doubts, <br />pleas� cnnfer with Mr. Scott A�dersan. #�e s�ould have I�arned by now from a car�fiul reading of the <br />6/26/09 councii packet, and tha actual rnin�tes of that meeting. You need tn fnliaw the histnry of t�is <br />designation, and whai the intent af the Councif was on 612SI�i to know fi�at rnap four wasn't e�en a part of <br />the �12fif01 council packet, and was superceded by the master pla� back in January �Oq�, John 5tsrk tried <br />h�tp:/�-us/Mail/PrintM�ssage.aspx 8/7/2007 <br />