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A, vYU. alvvre 1f, VV w�+11a u vEL� '"""IJt. Y t6t4i 1 1V11Li�+1 L F\+�7�7 LU1LVlFC.LI .1. A.EUC1�,'� 31U.2i+ iwI /. QEy'4 L.7 11l GL <br />to re-invent it. I re�e�t it is not a�art of the existing compreh�nsive plan. Whil� [ was pfanning #o present my <br />dacurnenfiation at tF�e next mee ting, I wilE try �o drop it ofiF at your house in the r�ext severai day� sa you can <br />see the whole �tistary of this sad tale. You need tc� go beyo�d reading the master plan, and look at the <br />t�nderiying dacumentatian af the 6/26/01 packet, and the amendrnent the Council mat�e on tha# date, <br />evidence by t�e minutes of t�e meeting. <br />thinking is clpuding yot�r anaEysis. <br />Sa�ds <br />----prigir�al Message--__ <br />From: Dan Rae �dan.roe�a camcasi n�t> <br />To: <br />Sent: Tue, 39 Ju! 2007 3:12 am <br />Subj�ct: R�: Howt o Govern a City --5t. Paul Pior�eer Pr�ss Editorial �'riday, June 27 <br />! have reviewed the 2Q01 m�sier plan approval bas�c� nn your earl€�r em�ils, and I sir'iply do not s�e it as <br />proscriptive a5 yau se� if. Ev�n with the "scena�'in 1a" map excluded, which i5 clear from readina the mii�uie� <br />of tl�e m�Etir�g, end from th� mas��� pl�n itself, there is anoth�r map with 4 op�ions that is s�il! part oi the <br />rr�aster plan, p��ts the text irf ihe master plan, v�rh�n r�ad in full, ddes provide for flexibility. <br />Hnw is picking znning designatinns e�n a p�rcef by parce! basis less of � central plan ih�n an �rea-wide <br />zoning designatio� �hafr alEows for sorr�� f3exibility as to �xacily where each parkicular ty�� of use gnes (within <br />th� co:�5iraints of the rs�aster pl�n)`? I can se� the argum�nt that the parcel by parcel specifsc zonf��g <br />�pproach is fVl��� r�stricti�e Yhan �3�. Piw�, eacfi znning designa�ion cor�es with a bunch n� uses, some of <br />which may r�neet the inter�t fnr the area, and same of whicf� m�y �e nutside c�� vvhafi is intended. (!f you picic <br />B2 because i� allaws on� d�:sir�ed use, you cot�ld also end up allovding a total#y dif�erent use that yau dvn't <br />want to ailow.) F3y using B6, you g�t a different specific set of po5sible uses. E?epends on what you want to <br />da. C}r more correct(y, what the cnmmunity wants ta clo. <br />oning only cha�ges wf�eh a new p�aposa€ cornes alor�g tr�at meets the comp plan for thP are�, Unti) �ha� <br />�pp��ts, �acl� parce! car� be used to its curr�nt designatinn as fully anei as ionc� as anyone wanfs to. f arri <br />�irly sur� tha� the B6 zo€�€r�g fior Tvvin Lakes that was done for the (ast project was continger�t on the plan <br />c�ing th��o�gh, so the area should revert back to its most recent previc�us zaning designa4ion now t�€at the <br />rc�ject did not happen. <br />°nspectiv� buyers {�nd seller5) €�Q know vvhaf. usE t�i� I�nd can be p�t to rig��t r�aw ir� �win Lak�s -- �nyihing <br />at rneets cusr�nt zoning, or anything that ultirnately �eets E36 (PUD). They can �ake their decisions on that <br />�sis. �f ihey bui4d an expensyv� new iigh� incl�astt�ia� b�ilc4i�g, certainly they tak� a ce�.�'ss� (�;rsov,rs�) r'ssk bas�d <br />� the cnrnp plan design�tion i�eing other than ind�isiri�l. At thE same tirr�e, anynne who vvants to buy tha� <br />trtiPrty d��n th� rca�d and da a�3�i deuelopm�nt �n ifi will tr fairly rs�m��e����� thP awn�r f�r thF v�l��� <br />+1���: �=���.��r �t�il�ffr°rc}. ks�sPr., !�sn the t'n�r��S;�l2c��. <br />- a�vv ��v:i�,�n:..f� ucaa-c-�.t �,:� s.i��; ��.�cx�i�c:.j�:uuc:� <br />Ciy the way, it da�s nnt automatica�ly requir� 4 votes to do Everything ir� =�win ��K�s. �is long as the cor�p <br />pfan does not need tn be changed, �a 3-2 vate will suf�ice. It is not out of the realm nf possibilitie5 fnr a piar� �a <br />'cam� farward that anly Tqm, Rmy, and I supporl, for instance. lf it me�ts tt�e ccsrr�p pla� and yau like th� pian, <br />tao, would you say thai it is ii bad fo �pprave it by o�ly a 3-2 vofe? Of course, th� pr�f�rence would be ta <br />k�ave 5-D votes an ev�ry�hing. it com�s ciown to how m�ci� each Councilm�mb�r is wiliing to corr�prornise. <br />Ultimateiy, I only con#rol my 1 vote. <br />Dan Roe <br />Em�il��a comcasl.nefi <br />_---Qriginat Messag�--_-- <br />F�om; es�i�ds2G12(cr��aol.c:nin �mailtr�:es�nc�s2612!i�.�ol.cnn7� <br />Sent: Monday,luly 30, 2007 1 �:02 PM <br />ht�p://webmail.aal. coa�/2904i/aol/en-us/MaiVPrin�essage.aspx 8/7/2007 <br />