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NI�YOR KLAIJSING'S GRAND D�CEPTIUNS <br />August 13, 2Q07 <br />Sy A1 Sands <br />1�!►nxious to get t�e Twin Lakes LLC moving, Mayor Klausing's firsfi grand p1an, <br />as I see it, h,ad to do with trying to get around the requirement of four vo�es required to <br />approve the Twin Lakes LLC proposal. Armed wiih a flawed IegaI oginion �rota� our city <br />attor�aey declaring it un�ecessary to �;et ft�uz� vvtes to approve t�e Twi� Lakes plan, <br />Mayar Kla�si�g gave t�e ga �head fio t�.e praject. <br />`The Ap�eals Court Opi�ian braught this tv a�alt around a year and a half Iater, <br />aft�r mit�zons in darnages had been dor�e to t�� land owzaers, the c��velapers, and also to <br />the city. The Court noi�d that the city car�at choose to zgz�ore the i'act tl�at Qn 6/26/O1, <br />thc ciiy cnunc�i MAnE the Master Plan an in.tegral part of the car�pre�ensive plan by <br />their motion a�aci aetion. Mayflr Klausing, you were there t�aroughout the development <br />of the Twin Lakes Master Plan, frorzY Jan. of 200� �ti� it's completio� on b/26/01. <br />YOU were o� i�at cc�uncil and vated ta appmve that actao�. YUU kriow �v�at i� is. <br />1 see Mayor Klausin�'s second grand scam atterr�pt going on now, when he ado�ted our <br />now departed developtnent director's atterz�pt to �'einvent the inherent natur� vf the Twin La�Ces <br />Master Plan by deelarir�g that scenario 1-�--as vofied i� by ttte Counci� an 6/26/0 i-- was or�(y o�e <br />o� many �at�ti use options avaiiable. Therefore many �Sians cnuid be app�ov'ed by t�ie Ci#y Corzncil <br />witt�out ar�ending the current Twin Lakes Carx�prehensive Plaan. Dnce again, Mayrar Klausing <br />ignoras the dixective af tt�e Cnuncil in it's actian an 6l2G1� 1 mal��ng scenario # I tl�� exclusive <br />la.tad use plan€ for Twin Lakes. T�at has becorrta th� baszs for dr�arning up three new AUAR <br />(Aiternative Urban Area-wide Review) scer�arifls, none of which eon€ortn tn il�e rea] Tw�n �kes <br />Master Pian. <br />l�ccordi�gly, tnis propnsed AUAR is ar� inaec�ate a�d fraudulent doc�aent. It <br />incorreciiy declares t�e three seenarias it studies are consistent with the T'win Lakes <br />Master Plan and Camprehensive Plan. N�T TRUE. �accurate documents approved as <br />accurate and compl�te by a split couancil will z��t give futuxe devetopers the assurance <br />tr�ey need that they can mave aheac� wit� their devel�pm�r�t plans withaut fear of fi�ture <br />legal complicatzons. <br />