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� � � �� <br />�� I� � a � <br />a. A.cts o� simul�ted acts o� sext�al iaatercouzse; �as�irbatio�a., soc�o�ny, �esiiaiity, <br />aral co�u�aizan, flageil�tac�n or any sexual acts w1�ic�� are �z-ahz%ztecl lay �ava. <br />�. At�y persa�a beit�g touclzed., caressed or %i�d�eci on t�e br�ast, buitac%s, az�us ar <br />ge�itals. <br />c. Scenes wl7ereis� a�erso�z dis�lays th� vulv�, or tl�e �.�us ar the genii:als. <br />d. Sce�zes wllereir� ariiiicial d�vices or inat�i�nate o3�j�cts are ern�loyed to depic�, <br />or drawings are ez�p�oy�d to pnr�ray, ar�y o���� ac�:zvitzes desc�zi�e� in su�sec�zo��s <br />B 1 through B7 nf �1�zs sectiaxa. <br />C. Revocation of License: �.� licer�s� �ssued put-sua�t �o t�Zis claapter, licei�se� pu�-suan� <br />to Mi�ze�o�ta s��tu�es, chap-rer 34QA, s�a�l be re-vol�ed if any of-�he ac�s of cond�ct <br />descxilaed in t�is section flccur oza tl�e licensed �reinises. (Ord. 808, I I-2I-1977; <br />a�nd. T 995 Cade} <br />3��0��0 ���7I]L ��E�TAL7['Yo <br />A. �'e�zal�.y For Nancarxa�alia�ce: Zra adc�ii:ion to any crirr�i��a� �ae7�a�ties wla�ch �ay Tae <br />a1n�o�ed by a court of la�r, �xe City CounciI �rnay slLSpenc� a�icense �'or up to sixty <br />(GO) days, �nay reval<e a license ar�d/oi° rnay irrapqse a civil fine on a licez�see not to <br />exceed two t�ousand c�.olla��s (�2,000.00) for e�ch. violation Qn a finding tl�at the <br />�icense holder or its enaployee laas lailed. to com.ply with a s�:a�lute, xule ar azdina�ce <br />�°elati�ag t� alcolzolic beverages, �a�iu�to��cati�g z�alt Iiqua� c�� wine. <br />B. Minizz��m �'enal�y: The �uipnse of lhzs seetioza is ta estab�zsh a standaz�d by �whzc� ��e <br />Ciiy Cau�aci� dete�iz�es the length nf lieense suspe�sions and the pr��riety o� <br />�evc�ca�zans, ai�d shall apply to a�l �zemises Iacez�sed uz�der this cha�t�x. T�Ze�e <br />penalties ar� �resun�ed to be apprapzaate £oz- eve�-y case; �oweve�-, ihe cou�czl z�ay <br />devzate iz� an ind'avidual case whez•e the cau�cil �'z�ds �1aai �;�ere exist substa�tia� <br />reasoz�s �aa�CZng it more appropriate to d.�viat�, such as, but ra.a1: limit�d t�, a lxcez�see's <br />e�For�s in co��abi�atia� wit� the stat� or city �c� �re�ren� �he sale nf alcahol to minors <br />Qr, in the coi�v�rse, wl�e� a lzcensee has a hisfiory o� repeated v�ola�io�s of state or <br />loca� liquar Iaws. Wh�z� deviating from these standazds, the couneil vvi�I pravid� <br />writ�:ei� �ndi��gs tl�at sup�prt ti�e penalt� selected. � <br />The £allowia�g viola�ions a��e p�•esumed to require revocation o£ tlze �icei�se pz� t��e £'irst <br />violatzan: <br />Co�z�s�o�a oi� a felony r�lat�d to ihe �icezased activzty. <br />Sa�c of alco�a�ic beverages v,�hile license is und�r susp�nsiQn. <br />Sa�e o� iiato�icaii�g liquor wkzez�e anly lice�se is �az 3.2 pexcez�t �alt liquo�. <br />�t�er viola�zo�s, includi�g tl�e �o�lowing s�all ha�ve a presuzraed pena�t� a� indicat�d <br />below: <br />�ale oi alco�olic be�verages tQ u��derage �ersons. <br />Sa�e o£ alea�alie beverages tc� o�vious�y i�toxicated pe�saz�. <br />After ho�az� sale/disp�ay/consu�r���tion nf alcnholic beverage. <br />Illegal gazxblx�g oi� prem.ises. <br />Fai�ure io 1:a�ce zcasonable steps �o stap �erso� f�azn �eavizzg pre�nises wi�h <br />a].coholic be�vera�es (ar�-sale allovaing off sale). <br />l. �'oz an-sale lzce��e holdcrs �vIaa part�c�pate i� opiioz�al �anager a�ad se��%er �z�aizazz�g <br />anc� prave t�e pe�so� w��o sold or se�ved alcohol ��ad xec�ived city a�praved a�cohol <br />beverage seiver trail7ing wzt�in �lae pr�viaus yeaz: <br />a. Fox a�rst vzolafion, fhe license hp�dez wi�� �e given a waz��irzg �et�er. <br />t�. �'ox a seca�d vxalaiion in t1�i��Cy-szx (3G) naoz�tl-�s, t�ae �xa.azariatory miniinu�r� <br />�en.alty s�aall lae a fzve �undrec� dni�ar {$SOO.OQ) �x�e a��d a ane ��y s�a.spensio��. <br />c. Fo�- a tl�zr� violatzon i�1 thi��iy-szx (3G) z�nnths, thc a�and�tory ininimu�n penaltY <br />