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.�F`= �'��',.� <br />;� R <br />-� <br />��1 <br />��, �. ;: � 1 <br />�,� <br />�i7�' `ti <br />i �,�i 7 . U �`�� <br />�E�lESfdP€€fi��C��� �F��$����E3��`€$ <br />65a CEf7AR �iRc'.�'"I" <br />S'�: 'r�'Ai1L. �N 5YJ 1 33 <br />p�,o��: ���-������s� <br />f'h,K: Ei� I-2��"���-J'g <br />-rr: o�C5�6�'7-3a29 <br />vrwv�. ^c06.5TnYE. Mn, l.tS <br />Mr. Thamas Pasc��lce <br />City Planner <br />City of Roseville <br />2&60 Civic C�nter Drive <br />Rosevil�e, Minr�esota 551 I3 <br />����—. �-��,..��.:���.�..%� <br />��'�t,�. ��C �-�,�� C, -�. � <br />���.,JJc� � <br />.�uly 23, 2007 <br />R�: Citizezas' Petitia�� �'or a�1 �AW for the Art M�.�ellez- S�.lbdivisio� at 22Ci�. Acc�� <br />Road, P�as�;ville <br />Dear Mr. Paschke: <br />The Envi��onznentai Quality Baard (EQB) has received a petitian req�testing ihat ar� EAW <br />be prepared on the project c�escribed in. Yt�e petitinn, a�d �as determrn�d that tI7e City of <br />Roseville is il�e a}�propriate gove�-n�nental u�srt to decide t�e neec� far an EA��. The <br />�'�quire�nents i'o� e�l�viror�meaztaI retriew, includir�g tl�e prepar�tion ai a� EA���, can b� <br />fp��c� in f�e Minnesota R�.�Ies, chapter 4�4TD. These rui�s a��d various guidance documents <br />are a��ai�able at our webszte, www.e�b,s#ate.zxar�.us. <br />The proceciures to be �'ollowed i�� ma[cing �he �AW decisiar� are set forth in part <br />44I 0.1 i 00. Key poi��ts in i�ae pxacedu�•es z��clude: <br />1. No final �overa�z��en� appx-ova.3s may be give� to t��e project ciesc�ib�ci in the <br />�etitiar�, nor �Zay constr�ction on the pra,�ect be started u�itzl the neec� fcar aza E�1 W has <br />been deter�nined, �'roject coilstruetion inctL�des aizy acti'vztie� wl�ic�. directly a�'%ct the <br />enviro�arne��i, znclud'z�t� prep�ration of �and. i�t�e cfecisian is tn �re�are an �AW; <br />a�praval must be w�tI�le�d unti] eitl�er a Nega�ive Declaratio�� is issued or a3.1 <br />Enviro�iin�ntal I���pact Statex�zae�t {EIS} is conapleted (see pa��t 4410.3100, s�bpa� 1.) <br />2. A first step ii� �nakii�g the decisiol�t regarding the need for an EAW wo��d be ta <br />campar� �he praject to the �nandatory EAW, �7S a��d Exernptia�� categories listec� in parts <br />44I0.4300; 4410.4400; ai�d 441�.4600, respectiveiy. I�the prnject si�auld fali u�der any <br />o� t�ese categories, environment�I review is autotnaticaIly required or pro�ibited. If this <br />sl�ould �e the case, proceed accordingly. <br />3. Tip�-epa�•at�n�1 of a�� EAW is ��eitl�er ��aa�adatc�ry zxor exe��7pted, ti�� Ci�y l�as tl�e <br />qptio�i to prepar� an EA W. Tlae st�z��dard to be �.�sed to decide i� az� EAW shauld be do��e <br />is gz�en ir� part 44�0.1 �OQ, sLilap. 6. Note tl�at tlais r�quires t��at a r�coa•c� of decision <br />iz�cluding specific findxngs af fact be mai��#ained. <br />�� <br />� <br />STnF'e lN7? COIF.1:<Uf:�TY SEAVICES � <br />