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�-. Yotr are aliovved. �.t� to 30 worki�.� �ays (Satu��c�ays, Su.nda.ys an� hc�lida�s dc� �Qt <br />caunt) fo�� yo�t� decrsiozz if i� ���ll bc �a�z�de by a eo�.zlciI, board, ar o�I�er body wl�ich zx�eets <br />only pez:iadically; or I S�rorki�� days iF it will l�e �ade by a�in�le individual. Yai,i n�ay <br />requ�st an extra 15 days �ran-� �QB if ihe deeision tivill be rnacie by arz inc�ividual. <br />5. Ya�.T n��.�s# ilofiify, in w�-iti��g, the pro�oser, tlae petition�t•s' represez�tati�ve �.rid t�e <br />FQB t�f yat�ar decision wit�iz� i`i��e �uo�.��izz� days. T would appreciate youz- se�d'zn� a copy <br />�f your record o� clecis�an or� tl�.� peiiiio�� along u�itl� notification c�iyoitr c�ecisian fc�r o�ar <br />racor°ds. Tl�.is is not re,q�zired, I��r�xre�ver. <br />6. If %x az�.y reasa� you a��� �,�n�ble to aci or� t��e petition at t�is ii.rr�e (e.g., no <br />applicatio� laas yet beei� filed or the ap�3lication �.as 6een withdr�vvn), the peiatic�i� will <br />reinaiz� i�� ef�ee� for a�eziad af nne S�ear, a��d a�ust b� acted upan przor to any final <br />decisro�� cane�rniiag ti�e �z�oject idei�tified in tl�� peti�ian. <br />Notice af ilae �aeiit€an anci assignnl�nt to your u��it af govern�ea�ati will be i��iblish�d in <br />tl�� EQ� ?vloi�.itor an July 30, 2Ci�7. <br />I�yau l�ave any qtiaestiai�s or ne�d. any assistar�oe, p�easc da nat hesitate ia call �ne at 6�11 <br />201-2476. <br />�i12CETe��', <br />� ���c1,..�"�,,�.-, <br />� �� <br />�i��� �Dw�'i�i3g <br />En�irazz�ne�tal Re�tew pro�;zat� staff <br />cc: Paui T. Ro��a�cav�rslci; p�titioners' zeprese��tative <br />