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smalle� p�ojects is stated in this section. The consolidated a�ea exceeds the a�ea of th�eshold <br />�equi�ing a high level of sto�mwate� t�eatment. Fo� this �eason, it is impo�tant that a <br />comp�ehensive sto�mwate� plan be developedfo� the enti�e �edevelopment a�ea. <br />Response: On pages 79 - 80, we agree with the comment and consider this as one of the biggest <br />environmentalber�efts to re-developing the site as a whole rather than a series of smaller project, <br />at least some ofwhich could easily fall under the threshold for requiring full stormwater <br />mitigation. <br />1l�arceyL. Yi�estYick, �"mmorxs & 4lx�ie�Resou�ces, rep�esera�a�agtheRice C�eek �atershed' <br />Dist�ict, Septembe� 24, 2007: <br />RCWD Comment l: A F8 model wa� const�ucted fo� the wo�st case scena�io unde� this AUAR <br />update. Howeve�, no detail as to how the model was developed o� the modeling assumptions <br />used was given. In o�de� to accu�ately assess the modeling �esults, the Dist�ict is �espectively <br />�equesting this information be p�ovided fo� �eview. <br />Response: We will send a copy of the model used for the analyses to the Disi�ict for review. The <br />P-8 model was developed to estimate the relative differences between the loadings of key <br />pollutants under the c�n-e��t baseline conditions as well as the proposed future conditions with <br />assumptions regarding stormwater �reatrnent as outlined in the AUAR update. The model is <br />considered a credible industry standard to make such comparisons in urbanized watersheds. The <br />only changes of significance that were made between the baseline and post-re-development <br />conditions were those associated with impervious coverage and assumed stormwater treatment <br />practices for the re-developed condition as outlined in the AUAR. <br />RCWD Comment 2: Fo� the Langton Pond a�ea, it is stated that the existing detention basin <br />would be expanded. PS modeling �esults we�e based on this assumption. Howeve�, the�e a�e <br />cu��ent plans fo� this detention basin to be dissected by the Twin Lakes Pa�kway. The Dist�ict <br />would like the AUAR Update to p�ovide clarification and detail as to whe�e the p�oposed <br />ponding expansion would take place. <br />Response: Modifications will be made to make sure that there is neither a loss of surface area or <br />wet pond volume in this detention basin after the det�e��iion basin is bisected by Twin Lal{es <br />Parkway. This is reflected in the modeling completed for the stormwater analysis, where it is <br />assumed that the detention basin would be split into two cells — a pre-treatment cell south of the <br />proposed Twin Lakes Parl�vay and a second cell to the north — with the same wet volume and <br />surface area as estimated under current baseline conditions. <br />RCWD Comment 3: It should be stated in the AUAR Update that, in addition to the p�oposed <br />ponding, the Dist�ict will �equi�e infilt�ation of the 0.34-inch event. f it is demonst�ated that the <br />soils a�e not suitable fo� infilt�ation, (i.e., due to contamination), sta�rntvat�r managementfo� <br />the 0.34-inch event will still need to be p�ovided in the fo�m offilt�ation o� biofilt�ation featu�es. <br />Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update <br />City of ROSeville - October 3, 2007 <br />