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development. The Council recommends that the City and projectproposer revise AUAR "worst <br />case scenario" alternatives that ��o�ld result in these areas being clear-cut, and instead, plan for <br />their restoration and presei^vation as a site amenity. <br />Response: The City will encourage the developers to preserve the oak forest, but as the land is <br />within private ownership, the City does not have the authority to require or enforce its <br />preservation. The figure reference should have been to Figure 5 3 which was included in the <br />AUAR. <br />Met Council Comment 4: Item 1%— Water Quality: Surface Water Runoff: This document <br />indicates that stormwater t�uno,�f from the site's "East" drainage subwatershed that currently <br />does nat receive water quality tYeatinent, flows through storm sewer lines to Lake .Iohanna. Lake <br />.Iohanna is now identified as impaired on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) <br />Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) list. The Lake is listed due to the presence of an excess level <br />ofatnzospherically-deposited mercury, which accumulates in fish. The MPCA is currently <br />preparing a state-wide TMDL Implementation Study to determine how to respond to fhi�s issue. <br />Response: The City appreciates the information provided by the Met Council regarding the <br />listing of Lake Johanna as im�aired for mercury. As noted in the Met Council comments, excess <br />levels of inercury are �rimarii�• caused by atmospheric deposition and are therefore consideredby <br />the MPCA to be more of a regional issue than a local one. The City looks forward to the results <br />of the M�'CA's statewide TMDL Implementation Study regarding this issue. <br />Met Council Comment 5: Item I$— Water Quality: Wastewater. The Regional Wastewater <br />Disposal System has adequate capacity for the flow fi^om planned growth associated with the <br />"worst case" scenario presented in the document. P�io� to initiating construction of this <br />roadway project, final plans should be sent to Scott Dentz, Metropolitan Council Environmental <br />Sei^vices Interceptor Engineering Manager (651-602-4503) for assessment ofpotential impacts <br />to the Council's interceptor system. <br />Response: Plans will be submitted as required <br />Met Council Comment 6: Item 26 —Sensitive Resources: DesignatedPa�ks, Recreation Areas, <br />or Ti^ails. The document describes a bicycle and trail system around Langton Lake and a trail to <br />be developed along the future Twin Lakes Parkway. Council staff recommends that the final <br />AUAR facilitate connections of these trails and Langton Lake Park to the proposed St. Anthony <br />Railroad Spur Regional Trail. <br />Response: The City will consider the Met Council recommendations as the City Parks and <br />Recreation Plan and the City Comprehensive Plan are updated. <br />Met Council Comment 7: Item 28 — Compatibility with Plans. The City's existing employment <br />forecasts may not accommodate all future job growth identi�ed in the document, under certain <br />conditions. Tf the o�ce development that occurs on the AUAR site is of lower density, then the <br />growth is lilzely to fit with existing projections. If however, the development consists of more <br />Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update <br />City of Roseville - October 3, 2007 <br />