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co�po�ate-style o� inultiple stoi^y �edevelopinent having a highe� density, the City's fo�ecast <br />could fall sho�t. The ove�all change will depend on g�owth in the balance of the City. Befo�e <br />subinitting its 2008 Coinp�ehensive Plan Update fo� Met�opolitan Council �eview, the City <br />should �eview its einployinentfo�ecasts with Council s�aff and ag�ee upon app�op�iate �evisions <br />to be �eflected in the update. <br />Response: The City will re-evaluate employment forecasts as the Comprehensive Plan update <br />proceeds and as plans for redevelopment of the Twin Lakes area progress. <br />L"lwy�a H. Sands, Citizen, September 23, 2007: <br />Sands Comments/Respoz�ses: A number of comments were submitted by Mr. Sands on July 23, <br />2007 and September 25, 2007. Mr. Sands' comments, a response memo from the City, and a <br />response letter from the MinnesotaE�viro��ental QualityBoard (EQB) are attached to this <br />document. The City feels that Mr. Sands' comments have been adequately addressed by City <br />staff and the Enviroi�unental Quality Board. <br />Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update <br />City of Roseville - October 3, 2007 <br />