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7) Any land dedication required as part of the City's park dedication requirements provide <br />opportunities for conserving existing native land cover types, creating greenway/wildlife corridors <br />through the AUAR area, andlor buffering Langton Lake Park. Cash in lieu of dedication should <br />be used to purchase land located in the aforementioned areas and/or used to restore native, altered, <br />or non-native cover types within the AUAR area or within Langton Lake Par� to native cover <br />types. It is noted that detailed natural resource management recommendations for Langton Lake <br />Park are provided in the Roseville Parks Natural Resource ManagementPlan (2002). <br />8) The City wi11 require that projects converting native cover types to an altered cover type to <br />mitigate the conversion by restoring native cover types within the AUAR area or in Langton Lake <br />Park. This mitigation strategy can be implemented in conjunction with the land dedication or cash <br />in lieu of dedication strategies listed above in Mitigation Strategy 7. <br />9) The City wi11 continue to follow tk�e 2001 Twin Lakes Business Park Master P1an to mitigate the <br />c�n�ulative impacts of development within the AUAR area including, but not limited to, the ten <br />broad planning principles listed below: <br />� Create a buffer to protect and enhance the public enjoyment of Langton Lake <br />� Protect the residential neighborhoods with less intrusive land uses <br />* Create a livable environment with a mix of uses <br />. Create compatibilitybetween uses and building designs <br />. Minimize the impact of commercial traffic onto residential streets; reduce congestion at <br />main intersections <br />. C1ean up soil and groundwater pollution <br />* Provide a range of quality jobs <br />• Diversifythe tax base <br />. Provide a flexible land use plan <br />. Located use in areas where they can best take advantage of necessary market forces <br />10) Project proposers will need to address, as appropriate, �indings from Phase I and YY Environmental <br />Site Assessments (ESAs), including the preparation and implementation of Response Action P1ans <br />(RAP) and/or Development Response Action P1ans (DRAP} pursuant to 1oca1, state, and federal <br />regulations. <br />11) The City wi11 require project proposers to remediate, as appropriate, soil and groundwater <br />contamination for the intended redevelopment use pursuant to Minnesota and federallaw. <br />12) The City wi11 work with MPCA to require that materials dumped within the AUAR area, <br />hazardous materials, petroleum products, and/or asbestos be managed appropriately in accordance <br />with MPCA guidelines. <br />13) The City will work with the MPCA, EPA, and project proposers to implement the <br />recommendations from the Supplemental Groundwater Evaluation Report (August 2004), <br />including but not limited to: <br />Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update <br />City of Roseville - October 3, 2007 <br />