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The MPCA establish�s condifiox�s or places disciaimers into assurance l�tters to address <br />�XI51;lllg, or if icnowi�, changing land use. For e�ample, arz industrial VIC Site whic� <br />praposes ta leave contarnination above eriter'ra irt t�e top � feet zn grassy areas, rnusi file <br />a deelaration of restrictior�s on the land t�at pro�ibits persons fro�n disturbing the land <br />withaut �rst receiving the appro�val of the MPCA Comtnissioi�er. <br />Residential vs. Industrial <br />Residentiai �ites will have dif#'erent, �aore strir�gent, cleanup Crit�ria ��an Ind�strial <br />Sites. These criteria are available on �he MPCA vveb site at wr�w. ca,stat�.z��i� und�r <br />Clea��up and risked based apprnach. <br />Working within the Voluntary Framework <br />"�he vast rnajority of cantarriinated Sites within the Cily wilt fail into tlae Valuntary <br />Program. It is a fact of life, The Voluntary Prn�ra�� has prnve�� ta be the fastest way tn <br />achieve a c�eanup. Motivaled 6uy�rs and sellers are far more Iikely to invesiigate and <br />clean�p a�ite than nan-mQtivated buyers and sellers. Through browt��elds <br />redevelopment, commu�ities can produee jobs, iracrease the tax base, rr�i�igat� any <br />residual l�ealth ar environmenta.l risks associated with past contamination, make better <br />use af existing infrasfruciure and he�� curb urban s�rawL I� addition, that s�ate of�e�•s a <br />nu�zber af grant and loar� programs wk��ch ean also be accessed via aur Bro�vn�'ield <br />Redevelopment Guide, to assist with this pracess. This malees tlie Voluntary Approach a <br />wi�/win. The volunteer vvizas because they.get a New Brownfield Redevelapment. The <br />nitizen's win beca�ase they get a e1�an site a��d new jabs. <br />Working outside the Voluntary Framework <br />When o�'a hazarctous substance release site beeames available, �tte MPCA can <br />and does take enforcemen� actions to address this contamination. O%en; tl�e owner of the <br />Site is asked to beco�ne a valuntee�, but i� they dar�'t, it car� lead to the Superfi�nd <br />enforcement process. Under the S��erfund en%rcernent process, the emphasis is on <br />getting ih� responsib�e parties to investigate anc� remer�iate the site and ihere �s a lot of <br />due process af law built ir�. This is o�ten a len�hy �raeess with a lot of litigation, it ean <br />take years to accomplish and recalcitrant parties can drag their feet the entire �vay. <br />The S�perfi.�nr� enforeernent process for cor�tar��inated Sites is rn�ell doc�amanted a�1d deals <br />wit� th� warst sites �rst o�i a priority basis. When ii�ere is an emergency or the <br />responsibie partics are u�awilling or u�able to investigate and re�nediate tk�e Site, the <br />IVIPCA can step in and cornplet� the necessary tasks, �han seek, in a court of law to <br />recover cos�s. Other sites, nnt co�sic�ered a pxiority can not 6e addressed in a timely <br />manner under this process and often awaii volunteers who see the �alue to redevelop the <br />Site. <br />