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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA . <br />2007 EVALUATION OF CITY MANAGER <br />r;�u.�zr��� <br />� <br />In order to establish and znaintai� ef�active City Cou�ci� and City N�anagear xelatia�s, <br />it is es�ential that the Council establish an ongoing evaluation praeess t�at offears az� <br />appartunity �'oar each party to xevzew the performance of t�ie City Manager. Tl�is <br />evaluat�an sl�ould focus a� k►pw effectively t�e City Manager is accoz�p�ishzng the gaals <br />established by the Cnuncil and ho� he is carr�ing out his respaz�sibilities in <br />key performa�ce areas. <br />Specii'ica�ly, �1�� evaluation should �czve t�Ze �ollpwing n�eds: <br />1. Allaw the City Mat�ager and Council to test, zdez�ti�y, and refine t�eir respectzve z-oles, <br />relations�i�s, and expectaiians of z-esporzsibilities to eae� otk�er. <br />2. Allow discussion of �he City Mar�ager's s�rei�.gths and wealcnesses as demonstra�ed lay <br />pear�'oz-nraance durin�; the evaluation �eriod, with the abjective of inereasing the Manager's <br />e£�'ectiveness; that is, give the Council the opportunity ta provide positive feedlaack in areas <br />that have been l�andled we11 and �o c�ari�y areas where the Manager could becam� r�ore <br />effecti�e th�-augh iznpra�ed per�orma�ce. <br />PROCESS <br />1. The e�aluat'ron process will coincide with the anniversary of t�e City Manager's hire dai:e <br />each year; t�e Co�ncil rr�ay require an additional evaluation at any time durin.g the year. <br />2. Ap�roximately threo weeks befare the evalual:io� is sc�a.eduled, the Performance Review <br />Committee Chair will provide each CouEncil Mer�ber and t�ie Ci�y Mana�er with a copy oi <br />the pro�osed evaluation forr�. <br />3. Prior to t�e seheduled evaluation, the Ciiy Manager will complete the City Ma��ager's Self- <br />Evaluation Form and submit �o t�e �'erformance i2eview Com�iitee Cha�r. <br />4. Prior to t�e scheduled evaluation, each Council Mernber will submit a campleted drait <br />evaluation %rm �o �he Perfnrr�ar�ce Review Cammittee Chair. <br />5. The operating ground rules will be established by the Mayor and Council for �he evaluation <br />rr�eeting. <br />6. T�e Maya�r az�d Couz�ci� will zneet with t�c Cii:y Manag�r to joir��ly disc�ss the Crty <br />Managear's pearfoz�zx�az�c�. Tiais discu:ssiar� will iake place in clased session in coi���iance <br />with the Minnesota Open M�eting �ar�v, <br />