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Xrr. RELAT�O�TSH�P WITH MA�''OR AND COUNC�L <br />RESPON�IBILITY <br />• Nlaintains effective coz��rz�icatian, bat� varbal and writien, with Council. <br />• Maintains availa%ility to Cauncil, either persnnally nr through designaied subordinates. <br />� Establishes and maintains a syst�r� of reporting to Cau�cil current pla�zs and activitzes o� <br />the Staff. <br />• Plans and organizes rna�erials for presentations to the Council, either verbally or wr�tten, in <br />the most coneise, clear, and comprehensive r.�anner posszble. <br />�'ERF4RM.ANCE ST�NDARD <br />Relatinns with the Mayor/Council will be canszdered effective vvher� a rr�ajority of the cnndi�ions <br />have l�een successfu�iy i'ul�lled. <br />+ Materials, reports, presen�ations and recorruner�datinns are clearly and convincingly made, <br />��'acilztates Council action, including adoption of ordinances, caordinates agenda preparation <br />and �ravides information and backgroun� required by Co�ncil. <br />• Cammunzca�ians are made i� a tirrrely, �oz�hright, and o�e� mana�er. <br />• Keeps a11 Council Mexzabers wel�-info�ned aand invalved on issues that shoule� be addressed <br />or rnonitore� for possible action. <br />p Responses to reques�s are macie prompt�y and compleiely. <br />• Recozn�a�e�daiions appea�- ta be t�oraug�ly �esearched. <br />• Demc�nsnaies what s/he says can be acce�t�d at iace valu�. <br />• Maintains respect for CQUncil, takes a consistez�t pos�iiaz�, and halds con��ences. <br />• Ensures a system is in place to report to Cnuncil current �lans, activities, an� events oithe <br />City. <br />• Ra�ains open and aceess�ble ta all �ae�rabers of the Czty Co�ci1 equally. <br />Ratz�g: l 2 <br />Below Ex�eetations <br />Co�me�ts: (O�sex-vaizo�s o�' Evaluatoz-) <br />�3 �4 <br />Meeis <br />Expectations <br />Suggestions %r Irn�rove�nents, (Speci�ic area(s) ti�at need s�rengthening} <br />_5 <br />Exc��ds Expectations <br />Coinmendations: (Area(s) pf per�ormance ca�lzz�g for praise/coz��endation) <br />