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VI. INTERGOVERNMENTA�., RELATI�NS <br />RESPONS�B�L�TY <br />� Mazz�tains awarenes5 of deveiopments and plans in oth�r jurisdictions tl�at may rclaie to ar <br />a�£ect Czty governxrzent. <br />• Establishes and �nain�ains a liaison witih other governrt�enta� jurisdictinns in those areas of <br />service ��ia� irnprove or enhance the City's programs. <br />� Main:tax�s communieations with governmenial jurisd�etions with whieh the Ci�y is involved <br />arinter�aces. <br />' : ff:i����►C�i�.`7117a��1�7��77 <br />In�ergovernmentaI relatians will be cnnsidercd effective when a inajority o#'t�e cond�tions �.ave <br />been successfully iulfilled. <br />• Sufficient ac�ivity r�vith rnunicipal and pro�'essianal organi�ations. <br />• R�garded as Ieader by municipal officials. <br />•�'rovxdes e�am�les o� good ideas from other jurisdictions. <br />• Positive relationship wzt� sun-ounding citzes. <br />• Gaod cooperation with County and State agencies. <br />• Undearstands prob�ems a�'other a�encies and jurisdic�ions in achieving City abj�ct�ves. <br />• Consiruciively cnoperative in interac�ing with other agencies aaxd jurisdictiozxs i�� achievi�g <br />Ci�y objectives. <br />Rating: 1 2 <br />Be�ow E�pectatzans <br />Carr�zxten�s: (Obse�vat�ons of Eva�uator) <br />�� <br />Meets <br />Expectatians <br />�4 �5 <br />Exceeds Expectat�ons <br />Suggestions for Improvements: (Specific area{s} that need strengtl�enin.g} <br />Cornmendations: (Area(s) of perfoztx�.ane� callir�g for praise/cornmendation) <br />