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Procedure for Acivisory Ethics Opinions Resoiution <br />PROCEDUR� FOR <br />ADV�SOR'SZ ETH�CS tJPINIONS <br />Advisory Opinions <br />Ai�ac%znent A <br />I�.di�vzduals whQ are �ubject to �he requirements of the Ros�vilte Ethics Co�e may <br />rec�uest an advisaay apinia� from the Cit� Attorney regarding th� Eihzcs Cade ta <br />�u�c�e their act�ons £or coznp�ia�ce with the Iaw. Individuals may request formal or <br />informal o�inions. Reques�s £ox opznio�s and the opinions issued, are classified as <br />private/eonfiden�ial data under th� Minnesota Governmenfi Da�a. Practices Act. A <br />pubiic version of any �orznal advisaary opinions may be pubiished by the City <br />Attorney. <br />��. Formal Advisory 4pinians <br />1. Who may request. The Ci#y Attorney may issu� a farmal advisary apinio� <br />on t�e request nf a pe�son to whaz� #h� Rosevill� Code of Etl�ics applies. A <br />req�est for a writt�n advisory opinion may be made only by an individual <br />��a� wzshes to use th� opinion to guide the indivzdua�'s awn cond�zct. <br />2. Requests must be xn w�iting. Requ�sts for formal adviso�ry opinzans shall <br />�e in writing and rri�st set out wx�h reasa�.able specificiiy the facts ancl <br />circuxz�sta�ces of a real case. Requesis for advispry ppinio�s shal� �e filed <br />with the Czty A�torza�y, who sha�I assist any person reques�ing an advisary <br />opinion in �reparir�g �he rec�ues�. <br />3. Discreiion to issue. The Ci�y Ai�om�y shall e�peditiously determine <br />whether �to issue a wri��en advisvxy opxnio� addressing the issues raised. <br />The City Attorney may c�etermine ihat no apinian may be �iven, e�r that an <br />infarma� opi�aon will lae rendered. <br />4. Iss�ance. If the City Attorne� d�t�rnaines that he/she shall issue an <br />advisory opinion, it shall be prepared in writing, and shall be fozwarded io <br />the persan requesting it and ta �he City Attorney, City Manager and Ethics <br />Comrnis�ion. The Ethics Commissxpn z�ay �ub�ish an opinion ar a <br />suamarzaaary of an opi�ion, but any such publ�shed opinion or sumrnary of an <br />opinion may nqt inc�ude ��.e narne of the requestor, ox any other <br />information thafi rnight idez�ti�'y the arequestor. <br />5. Effect. When a�onx�al advisory opinian is issued, a perso� that acts in <br />conformity with t�e written advisary apinion shall r�at be subjec� �n any <br />discipline, reprimand, or other action by tl�e City in any subsequeni <br />