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z <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />1 J. <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />Approval: <br />ra�r����� �oa� co�c�L Ae�r�c�N <br />DAT�: 11/19/07 <br />�TEM NO.; 8.d <br />1Vla�aager Reviewed: m Agenda Seciac�n: <br />escripti�n: Adapt Resol�.taon of �'u��c�Jfoar ICLET Mez�abershi� and Cilies �ox Climate <br />Protection Campaign as Reco�nmended by the Public Worlcs Environme�t and Tra�nsportation <br />Comrz�ission <br />Backgraund: The �ity Council passed a resoIut�on supporti:ng ihe U.�. Mayors C�z�nate Pratectron <br />Agree�nent a� its May 21, 2007, meeting. This r�solution charges the City's co�missions and staff to <br />embrace and ide�tify are�s #hat the Ciiy can reduce energy consumpiion or emissions and generrally reduc� <br />our impact on ihe ez�viror�ent. The Publie Works, Environment and Transportal:ion Cominission took on <br />t�is char�e at sev�ra� z�ze�t�r�gs s�nce the cQUZ�crl disc�assion. <br />20 T�e Roseville Hig�i ScY�ool environn�.ental gra�p that gav� a presentatzo� �a the City Council also a�tended a <br />21 mee�ing of �he P�zblic Wnrks, Environmen� and Transpartation Commission. The Cornrnissian is interested <br />22 in the czty establis�in� a baseline of aur existing city emissians and using �hat information to help create a <br />23 p�an �o reduce o�r inapact on the envirozaz�ent. T1aey �ave reca�n�r►ended tk�e city became me�nbers of ICLEI <br />2� {International Co�ncil of Local Envi�ro�u�.ental Initiatives) to assist us in establishing w�ere we are at and <br />25 w�ere we can im�rove ir� our operalions to r�duce �ha� iz�pact. This organization �as deve�oped �oftware to <br />26 assist cities i� �his process. Membership gives the city aceess to the software, training and o�her guidance. <br />27 <br />28 Fnr many rriembers �he �rst s�ep is ta conduct a greenlaouse gas e�x�issions inventoxy and foxecast to <br />29 detern�ine the so�rce and q�zanti�y nf greenhouse gas erni,ssians in tl�e jurisdiction anc� es�ab�is� a ta�rge� by <br />3Q whieln to zeduce greenhouse gas emissions. Monitoring and r�porting resul�s ta tl�e community, elected <br />31 affieia�s, catPeagues and TCL�� is an esse�tia� and ongoing e�emen� of the CCP (Cities for Clirnate <br />32 �ro�ectio�). <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />�6 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />Gities and counties in the CCP {Cities inr Cliamate Protecizo�) com�x�it ta reducin�g �;reenhause gas <br />eznzs�ions fro�n bot� l�ca] government operations and fro� the commuriity. <br />Membersk�i� co,sts $600 pear year and can be iunded fiom t�ie recycling buc�ge�. Staf�' has discussed <br />enlis�ing student voluzrteers to lael� wit� ihis car�c��aign. Students and vo�u�teers could help ga�er and <br />ii�put t�ata. Additional discussions with coz�nrnzssians, ihe Caun.cil, and the coz�mt�ity wiI] be necessary <br />as we mave �orward to develop an action plan for Roseville. Attached are the Cli�a�ate Action Kandboak <br />(attachrzient A) and a co�y oi a Massachusetts city's emissions i�ventory anci actian p1an. (attaclunent B) <br />Re�er ta t�e Climate Ac�ion Ha�dbaok or visit t�e ICLEI we�site at �� for addi�ional <br />i�forma�ion. � <br />46 Co�ncil Actian Requesfied: <br />47 Approve resolutioz� o£ support £or ICLEI membership and Cities for Climate Profiection Campazgn as <br />48 recomzxzezzded by the PWETC. <br />�9 <br />50 �'repared by: Duane Schwartz <br />