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2976 <br />z��� <br />z��s <br />2979 SECTION: <br />2980 <br />2981 � �-�-�-1012.Q I : <br />2982 ��1�-10I2.02: <br />2983 Uses <br />2984 <br />2985 <br />2986 <br />2987 <br />�ss� <br />2989 <br />��� <br />2991 <br />2992 <br />z��3 <br />2994 <br />2995 <br />2996 <br />2997 <br />2998 <br />2999 <br />�000 <br />3001 <br />3002 <br />3003 <br />30(}4� <br />3005 <br />3006 <br />3007 <br />3008 <br />3009 <br />3010 <br />30�1 <br />���-1012.03: <br />Nonconformzng Structure <br />�-�1012.�4: <br />Noncanfvrming Use <br />��olz.os: <br />Nonconfo�zn�ng St�ct�res <br />�8�10i2.01: DEF�NI']CI()N: <br />Defznition <br />Existing Structures ar <br />Damaged <br />Discontinued <br />Mazntenance o� <br />A nonconforming use or stnzcture. See de�nition zzz Sectioza 1002.�2. (4rd. 88�, 6-1-SI) (Ord. <br />1302, 2-9-2004} <br />�1412<02: EXTS"�ING STRUCTU�t]ES OR USES: <br />A. A pre-existing noncor�foranning use p�' structure may be co�tiz�ued b�t may not be extended, <br />ex�anded, inten.�i£'ied ax changed, unless to a con£orming �zse. Exccpt�nns include: <br />1. An expansio� of a pr�-existin� residential pari�cipal or accessory st�ructure in an R-1 or R- <br />Z zoni�g district w�zch maiartai�s the same prvperiy line setbaeks az�c� s�z-�ci�.u'e separations <br />parovided there is na further �z�croac��aent of any nflnca�nfoxming structu�al cii�nension oar <br />incr�ase in the noncanformity of use oi the land . <br />2. A pre-exis�ing prineipal ox accessory siructure, i�cluding expansion thereo�, in whic� a <br />property line set�ack dimenszan has been made s�bsfiar�dard by eminen� dormain oar other <br />formal public agency actic�n. S�.ch a structure shal� be considered a legally con£ormzng <br />strue�ure. All future additions to the struc�ure or use s�al� meet the current requi�ed setback <br />fro�n the revised pz'o�aez-�y �r e�asement �i�e. (Orc�. 881, 5-l�-SI) (Oxd. 1302, 2-9�2004) <br />�8�-�1{D12.03: DAMAGED IeTONCaNFORMING STRUCTURE: <br />Any nonconforming sizuctti�are darz�aged to a� exien� n�' not mor� than fifty percent (50%) a£ its <br />repxod�ction eo�t hy fire, flood, e�plosioza ar ot�er ca�ualty may be reconst�'ucted and �zsed as <br />befare if suc� reconstrruct�a� is ccaz�apleted within six (6} mnnths of the casualty. �� the damage to <br />the s�ructure is great�r tk�an fifty percent {50%) o�the xeplacement cost of the structure at �he <br />time af lass, as dete�ni��.ed by �he Cify Council, ��e reconstructzor� sha�l �e ii� accordance with <br />this Cade. (Ord. 88�, 6-1-81; amd. 1995 Code) <br />95 <br />