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29�2 <br />2943 <br />294�4 <br />29�5 <br />2946 <br />2947 <br />299-8 <br />2949 <br />2950 <br />2951 <br />2952 <br />2953 <br />2954 <br />2955 <br />2956 <br />2957 <br />2958 <br />z�s� <br />296q <br />296I <br />2962 <br />2963 <br />2964 <br />2965 <br />2956 <br />2967 <br />29G8 <br />2969 <br />297Q <br />2971 <br />2972 <br />2973 <br />2974 <br />2975 <br />B. A landscape plan shali �e ;req�ired �or a11 new commercial, industrial, �nu�tiple residential, <br />public, and i�sti�:utional developments priar to appraval. For develapments having a <br />eonstruc�ion value in excess ofiiv� hundred thousand dollars ($SOO,OOO.OQ), the landscape <br />plan shall be prepared by a Iandscape arck�xteet registered and licen�ed in t�ie state or athers <br />appraved by-the connxnunity develop�er�t director. To the rr�axirn�zm extent �easib�e, this <br />pla�a s�all incoz�orate �y existir�g vegeta�ive features on the site; tn ti�e extent that the val�e <br />of pre�erved vegetation can be demonstrated, a cred�t to the ri:�inim�na improvemen�s rnay be <br />al�ov�ed. Sazd landscape p�a� s�a�l iz�clude si�e,locatinn, quantity and species of all plant <br />materza�s and tk�s z�e�nnd of main�enance. <br />C. R-1 and R-2 dwellin� �lans ne�d no� be �equired tp be pr�pared by a registered arcl�i�ec�, <br />e�gineex, or landscape architect e�cept in eas�s where unusual str�tctural, safety, or erosior� <br />issues az�e pr�se�t as determined l�y the enrra�xiuni�y developm.eni director. (Ord. �� 74, 1 Q-14- <br />1996) <br />�81011.16: REQiTTREMEN'�'S FOR SITE PL.�iN �t.EV�EW: <br />A. Ne�v Gonstruc�ian: �'or all z�ew coz�stxuction in all zoning districts except R-1 anci R-2, a site <br />plaza zx�ust be s�.bmitted £or review by the development review coznmi�te�. The arequired <br />�Ians s�bmissians and level of detail shall be in accordaaace wit� the city's developrnen� <br />review procedures znan�al. <br />B. Repai�s, Rer�odeling and Additior�s: A site p�an review is alsa rec�uir�d far alI repaiz's, <br />re�odeling and additions if the constructio� involved incr�ases th� ovexall size af the <br />building by �en percent (10%) or in t�e event that the cans�r�ctio�z inereases �he assessc�r's <br />market valu� by over twenty pereent (24%}. (Ord. 10$�, 1-14-1991) <br />�1011.17: E��EPT�UNS FOR CONSTRUCTIC}N �NVOLV�NG �,ESS <br />THAN A FIFT'S� PERCENT TNCREASE TN SI�E OF BUILD��TGS: <br />Al� constructton whic� re�aairs, renaod�ls ox alters a building between ten �ercent (10%) and i'ifty <br />percent (50%) a£ its size shall noi be required tn meet all of the criteria of sec�io�s �i-9-�-91 fl 11.0 l <br />tkiro�gh -�-8�91011.14� of t�iis chap�er. A percentage of building e�parasion between ten percez�t <br />(10%} an.d fifty percent (50%) and/or a ttaonetary i�anpxovement hetwee� tvuenty �erceni {20%} <br />and fift� percen� (50°/a) wotz�d require a proportional �evel of irnprov�meni to be consiste�t with <br />said sectzons -1-�8�01 I A1 through �1011.14 of this cha��er. This �rflpart�anal requirement <br />wi11 be deter�nined by t�e develo�z�aent review carnr�naxtiee subject to appea� to the City Council. <br />Th� City Cownc�l r�aay z�e�ex such an appeal io the planning commission for their revi�w and <br />recamr�ae�datio�. (Ord. 1083, 1-i4-I991) <br />94 <br />